Collusion. Conspiracy. Cooperation. Obstruction of Justice. Money Laundering. We have the names of the RUSSIAN military officers who participated in getting Comrade trump elected. Next we will get the names of the traitorous treasonous American citizens who participated. I can hardly wait to find out whom they are and where they are located and watch them get called out, charged, tried and convicted. Incarcerated for life. Till death do them part. Yes. That will be a good time. The truth will hurt to see all the people who betrayed their country. But they are a cancer that must be carved out of the body politic. We cannot survive with the metastasizing that has gone on. Is too late to save the body politic? Has it already infiltrated too much to have anything to save. Shame on them. A pox on their houses. The betrayal is unforgivable. It is eternal. They will carry it to the grave and after that if there is an after that. They will be together as they were all together in the undermining and sabotaging of their country. Every single one of them. All together forever. Conspired. Cooperated. Aided and abetted. Undermined. Lied. Faked. Denied. Set up. Yep. The more the merrier. Let the games begin. The net gets drawn in. The traitors will not escape. They are all already known by Mueller and they will be known to all of us. Pariahs. Unwanted. Shunned. Won't it fun to unmask all of them?