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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Comrade Bonespur is a sinking ship. Loyalists will go down with him and would rather drown than leave him. He will be so happy. Won't he?

Comrade Bonespur is a sinking ship. Loyalists will go down with him and would rather drown than leave him. He will be so happy. Won't he?

Posted - July 19, 2018


  • 46117

    1.  He may have so many powers beholden to him and his pocketbook that he may not have to worry about keeping his seat.

    This is the worst case scenario.  This means the END OF AMERICA. That will be the end. We need to move the hell out of here.

    2.  He gets thrown out of office.  He will not stop.  He will continue to BRAY and cause trouble whenever and where ever he lands and he will land in a pile of soft feathers.  He will be a moron and bray and parade all around the areas where people think he is KING.  He will cause riots and complain about how he was the world's biggest martyr trying to save the world and wicked Hillary and the Dems are the DEVIL.

    You know, the usual.
      July 19, 2018 8:39 AM MDT

  • 113301
    OR what Mueller has on him will be so monumentally massive and irrefutable that he will become a pariah and no one will touch him. Melania will divorce him. Ivanka and Jared and the other flunkies won't go to see him. All the pandering enabling sycophantic toadies will pretend they don't know him and have nothing to do with him. He will have no leverage and be powerless. A laughingstock. Putin has already squeezed all he needs from Bonespur. This saves him the effort of tossing him in the trash heap. Do I really think that can happen? Anything is  possible and I can dream can't I? Thank you for your reply Sharon! :)
      July 20, 2018 5:28 AM MDT

  • I'm just a little confused by your choice of terminology. When we review the long relationship between the American Left and international Socialism/Communism, we find an almost slavish infatuation and flirtation for those who proudly wear the title "Comrade". For example, Comrade Lenin, Comrade Trotsky, Comrade Stalin, etc etc. With the undeniable affiliation,sympathy and cooperation between many of our people and the socialist experiments in much of the world, would not a "puppet" president fall more in line with the long line of presidents who have been chastised, rebuked, manipulated and duped over the years by their Russian counterparts? There will never be an end to the spying, counterintelligence, posturing and saber rattling that we've put up with since World War II. President Truman knew we had the bomb, but "Comrade Stalin" filled him in on the details. We will always play in each other's back yards. All of this is said merely to ask why the left is so belligerent against the Russian brand of Socialism so long upheld as an example to follow. As "Devil's Advocate", I already know the answer and it pertains to being perceived as anything, at any time, as long as one is viscerally opposed to the current administration and dedicated to its destruction. As regards the question, I'm not what you might term a "Loyalist", but I see no signs that the ship is sinking and I see no need to lower the lifeboats. I have spotted a wash tub containing Mrs Clinton off the port bow.
      July 19, 2018 9:42 AM MDT