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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » The only intelligence that exists in Washington, D.C. are the INTELLIGENCE COMMUNITIES. Well-named to describe content. Can they protect us?

The only intelligence that exists in Washington, D.C. are the INTELLIGENCE COMMUNITIES. Well-named to describe content. Can they protect us?

We need protection from the corruption, the liars, the betrayers, the traitors and those who commit treason. The conspirers the colluders the enemy lovers the evil suckeruppers. Can all our INTELLIGENCE AGENCIES together protect we the people from what is surely the most horrible threat out country has ever faced INCLUDING the Civil War? I sure as he ** hope so.

Posted - July 19, 2018


  • 46117

    No.  Trump was right.  They are weak and ineffective or this PIG WOULD NOT BE ABLE TO MUTTER THIS CRAP EVEN ALONE ON THE TOILET instead of tweeting and blabbing it to the world all day and night.  They sit on their hands and DO NOTHING about his denigration of the FBI.  And "intelligence"?  Like he would even recognize any intelligence if it was spoon fed to him.

    The press are stupid.  They TAKE it.

    They TAKE it and TAKE it and TAKE it.

    No one is banding together to rip this pig a new one.

    That is the problem here.  We are TAKING it. AND TAKING IT. AND TAKING it.  Instead of pulling his fat rear off the stage when he started praising Putin, we have to hear about stupid things like he didn't button his stupid coat when he was with the QUEEN.


    This man is consorting with PUTIN our sworn enemy.  Who cares if he is so fat he cannot wear a jacket properly.  He's a retarded idiot.  We know that.  SO WHAT? 

    He is in league with PUTIN.  Who cares about the QUEEN????

    Twitter counts ways President Trump 'insulted' Queen Elizabeth
    Maria Puente, USA TODAY Published 5:40 p.m. ET July 13, 2018 | Updated 6:52 p.m. ET July 13, 2018

    Britain's Queen Elizabeth II welcomed US President Donald Trump and First Lady Melania Trump to Windsor Castle on Friday. (July 13) AP
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    (Photo: Richard Pohle/WPA Pool/ Getty Images)

    Before President Donald Trump met Queen Elizabeth II on Friday, British anti-Trump protesters warned it would not turn out well. Now that the meeting is over, they're counting the ways POTUS "insulted" their beloved monarch.

    And of course the discussion is taking place on Trump's favorite platform – Twitter.

    It's not enough that massive demonstrations took place in London and elsewhere, complete with a giant "Trump baby" blimp balloon mocking the president from the skies.

    Trump tormentors – even self-described "non-royalists" – took to Twitter to acidly note moments during the teatime meeting at Windsor Castle when Trump did something that could be interpreted as a faux pas.

    None of these moments were especially horrifying: He didn't grab her in a bear hug or trash her in a tweet as "fake news," for instance.

    But he did keep her waiting for more than 10 minutes (which may not have been his fault), shook her hand instead of bowing, turned his back on her for a few seconds, and he left his jacket open and flapping and his too-long tie trailing.

    Not off-with-his-head sins, to be sure, but enough to gin up the already peeved anti-Trump crowd in Britain.

    "I’m not a monarchist by any stretch of the imagination but this is such an insult to Britain. Absolutely clueless, classless, thoughtless, lacking in any dignity and without a shred of respect," sputtered Matthew McGregor.

    Many of them seized on the TV footage of Trump and the 92-year-old queen preparing to review scarlet-clad troops assembled in the Quadrangle of Windsor Castle where they met. He turns his back on her, walks ahead and looks the other way as the diminutive monarch moves from one side to another behind him.

    Plus, his jacket hangs open, looking a little sloppy. Trump has been called out on his un-presidential style mistakes before, including at his inauguration when his red tie dropped below the belt line and he left his coat unbuttoned.
    President Trump and Queen Elizabeth II inspect a Guard

    This post was edited by WM BARR . =ABSOLUTE TRASH at July 20, 2018 2:54 AM MDT
      July 19, 2018 10:40 AM MDT

  • 113301
    I care. The lack of respect with which  Comrade Bonespur treats everyone but his docile brainwashed base and Putin is embarrassing. He is supremely ignorant as well as magnificently stupid dumb. He pushes people aside so that he can get to the front (he did that to the prez of Montenegro once upon a time...remember?). He jockeys for position always making sure that he is center stage. He is gross brash boorish unmannerly greedy selfish evil.. an obese flabby pasty hulkng bulk of protoplasm whose every pore leaks demon doings. I care about all  of that. He humiliates all Americans every chance he gets. He embarrasses us. But I would take that in a heartbeat over what he really is. An evil hateful treasonous weak man who is so desperate for acceptance by the ruthless murderous Putin and his willing gullible base that selling out his country is just one of the things he is willing to do. And the kicker is this. His base supports him in all endeavors. So we are stuck with him and them. The problem lies with Congress. It is THEIR JOB to be a check-and-balance. They refuse. They are scairdy cat weak do-nothing traitors in my opinion. I care. About all of it. I don't cherry pick. SIGH. Thank you for your reply Sharon. One awful is indicative of another awful leads to another awful. Are all awfuls alike? No. Of course not. But they are all related. :( This post was edited by RosieG at July 20, 2018 3:04 AM MDT
      July 20, 2018 3:02 AM MDT