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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Comrade Bonespur just invited Putin to meet him in autumn for another tryst. This time at the White House. WHY?

Comrade Bonespur just invited Putin to meet him in autumn for another tryst. This time at the White House. WHY?

Breaking news yesterday during an interview of Dan Coates, major Intelligence guy. Andrea Mitchell was doing the interviewing when she broke the news during the interview about the planned tryst right during the mid-term elections on American soil. She asked Mr. Coates if he knew and he didn't. Speculation is that Comrade Bonespur was watching the interview and did not like Mr. Coates' answers so he decided to thumb his nose and show him up and pull a fast one.

Now here's the worry. Does Comrade Bonespur plan to turn over American citizens to Putin at that time so Putin can whisk them away to Russia for questioning? Putin HATES some Americans and would like nothing better than to make them gone as in kill them. He could do that very easily in his country. He has an amazing track record in this respect with journalists and political enemies. Poison? Shooting? Disappearing? Putin has lotsa choices.

Of course no one knows what transpired behind closed doors for over two hours in Helsinki. I guess it will be another opportunity for the Comrade to make deals about which no one but he and Putin agree. Nice and tidy isn't it? Your very own Comrade Bonespur in his very own backyard facilitating a monster murderer in making American citizens accessible? What a country! Whatta a guy? A traitor in action committing treason. GREAT in't it?  :(

Posted - July 20, 2018
