Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » The Senate voted on Thursday 92-0! The bill? It is illegal to turn over American citizens to hostile foreign powers for questioning. DUH?

The Senate voted on Thursday 92-0! The bill? It is illegal to turn over American citizens to hostile foreign powers for questioning. DUH?

Comrade Bonespur "considered" doing that with his security people per Sarah LIAR Sanders and all he** broke loose and Bonespur was getting lambasted left and right so he once again backed down and said while he thought Putin was very sincere in his request for that to happen Bonespur did not agree with it. Whatta dirtybird! He got smacked down. He will get revenge of course. He ALWAYS does. He doesn't like to lose. He will double down because he brags about how he does that all the time. Maybe he will have the Secret Service spirit away the chosen Americans that Putin wants to murder because he hates them so. Do it at night under the radar. Who would know? No one tells baby what to do. Well in this case Comrade "baby" Bonespur is definitely a whiny needy baby. SIGH.

Posted - July 20, 2018
