Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» Let's disband the House! House pols are rubber stamps for Comrade Bonespur! How much money will we save getting rid of those welfare geeks?
We have some Answermug friends who are Canadians Sharon. I'm pretty sure they's sponser us if we asked ever so sweetly. They KNOW we love Canadians. That always helps. As for the UK it's kinda far away. Mexico? I dunno. We(the dumba** prez) have done so much damage to the country with racist accusations that are all lies I doubt they'd want us. Now my being of Armenian heritage I do have olive skin. I can pass for a person of color. Can you? Also Jim's youngest son Gary is engaged to a great gal who is from Mexico and I'm SURE she could escort us and give us safe passage. I don't honestly know how far gone this country is. I do know the Comrade Bonespur supporters will never change. They are becoming more HOSTILE ABUSIVE RACIST EMBOLDENED DANGEROUS. When they start carrying loaded guns and pointing them at us it may be too late to escape. Time is of the essence. A word to the wise. A stitch in time saves nine. Did I miss anything? Thank you for your reply Sharon! :)
Disband the House? The only way to do that is through a revolution and this Congress sure as hell won't do such a thing to themselves. They're all Russian sympathizers anyway.
What has happened to them Zack? I can't figger it out. I know that the guy in charge has a fixation on Putin and Russia but I suspect it has more to do with the damaging information Putin has on him than anything else. But other folks are following him to that place. All his supporters of course and all the Republicans in the House and many in the Senate. That's a LOT OF PEOPLE! Canoodingly with the enemy. Inviting the enemy to our house to go through the drawers and the cupboards and the file cabinets and take whatever they want. It really makes no sense to me. Thank you for your reply! :)
Well, they sure aren't doing their job, which is to prevent a loony tunes president from turning megalomaniac to ensure the prez doesn't do any lasting damage.
I cannot figure out what happened to Patriotism Addb. We had it once and now POOF it has vanished. I wonder if's gone for good? I don't get it. Thank you for your reply! :)