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Surely all the American Patriots left are not only Democrats. Surely some are Republican. Will they stand up speak up? WHEN?

Posted - July 21, 2018


  •  Patriots indeed. The very existence of the "Democratic" Party has inspired more deep seated visceral hatred, more class, societal and racial strife, more disregard for the rule of law, more seething animosity for American traditions and values, more of the lynch mob mentality than any political force this nation has ever dealt with. As we watch the unraveling of civilization in North America, we can thank the insidious influence of the "Democrats" for our rush to the brink of destruction. I suppose congratulations are in order. They've accomplished more in two decades toward the extinction of this nation, than outside forces could bring about in two hundred years. When one listens to the sewage spouted daily by these "Democrats", it's almost more than a human can endure. Patriotism, my friend is built upon sanity, reason, justice and respect. Not hysterics and inflammatory rhetoric designed to stir the most base forms of anger and violence by fear mongering.
      July 21, 2018 10:24 AM MDT

  • 13071
    Excellent answer. ;)
      July 21, 2018 11:02 AM MDT

  • 46117
    Excellent FIGHT.

    Just put the other party into this silly sissy you did it worse argument.

    Will we ever learn?  Will we move on?

    Will we at least LEARN before speaking and actually see the reasons? 

    Republicans were ONCE the DEMOCRATIC PARTY. 

    There is a reason for the split. 

    Read that. 

    I'm not proud of the Democrats or the Republicans.  I am ashamed of America and the fact that we let this clown lead us and I am shocked and amazed at how little ability the American public can think for themselves.

    Trump is not thinking for yourself. Trump is taking a bottle of Oxycodone and Vodka and going to the voting booth.

    You think that PIG even can define what a DEMOCRAT or a REPUBLICAN is or was?

    His knowledge of history is about as extrordinary and Malinia's speech writing abilities or her ability to speak anything besides Slovinian since she has slightly better command of English than her Husband.


    This is the FAKE NEWS.  Right.  Fake president.  Fake marriage.  REAL LIES.

    This post was edited by WM BARR . =ABSOLUTE TRASH at July 21, 2018 11:09 AM MDT
      July 21, 2018 11:08 AM MDT

  • 113301
      July 21, 2018 11:09 AM MDT