I seriously cannot take the name of GOD in vain. I can say "god damn" and feel nothing. God is a generic word. BUT thinking of the name of Sai Baba? That is GOD to me. I would never say or do anything to denigrate Sai Baba.
I would never eat meat again. Not because of Sai Baba, but as a choice.
I would never say the word "N". It just is too nasty for a group of people I feel are my brothers and sisters more than the white NAZI's, the TRUE "N"s of the world
You get it. I would pretty much do and say almost anything as long as I am not doing it for the purpose of trying to make someone feel rotten to the core.
I try and speak truth. I am not pleasant to hear, but I try and speak my mind.
Except for the meat thing that's pretty much a thumbnail sketch of me. If I think "god dam* it" it is always little g. I would never think or say it otherwise. And actually I usually neither think it nor say it. "Dam* it" suffices very nicely for me. I like simplicity. Clean lines. No gingerbread to crap it up. I don't venture too much elsewhere. I do use SH** but I can also say manure or dung or poop. I don't use the really nasty words. Not my cuppa tea. Those are reserved for the boors the cretins the hopeless. I have an extensive vocabulary. They do not. I think truth stated to hurt is always an unkind truth. Often it is very unnecessary but there are folks out there who get off on causing pain to others and I would not deny them that. They have so little else to bring joy to them. Thank you for your reply Sharon. I wonder what TGITWH is gonna serve Putin for dinner when he is a guest at the White House. Do you know I just shuddered as I wrote those words. I still cannot believe it. Oh well. :( Oh. You know TGITWH is The Guy In The White House, right?