Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» Y'all are so lucky! He just said "Your favorite president did nothing wrong". Y'all are gonna sleep well tonight right?
That's the $64 Trillion dollar question Sharon. WHY don't they care? T'is a puzzlement that a group of folks who used to pride themselves on patriotism have swung so easily to reflect what TGITWH believes/does. How it will all play out I cannot say. Whether our Intelligence Agency experts will lose hope and heart and leave I cannot say. How long can things go on this way? I cannot sy. Methinks TGITWH has no plan or agenda. His only directive is to please Putin. Beyond that it seems its all a crapshoot. H is trying so very hard to pattern himself after Putin and other such leaders. He admires them and seems to think other leaders are weak. He abhors weak and sees himself as being very strong. I believe he is very wrong. SIGH. Thank you for your reply and the nifty graphic. Why they don't care will always be the unanswerable $64 trillion question. I wonder how historians will treat this "period of time"? I'm gonna ask. :)
These old white farts and their wanna-be sycophants in the House and Senate and Trump's Cabinet are all gonna die pretty soon.
They do not care what historians say. They live for today and today only. They think this is our playground and God gave this planet to US to do as we PLEASE.
That is the reason for Sara Palin's mass decimation of wolves in Alaska. They were in her sociopathic way.
We are certainly experiencing an infinite variety of human beings. An infinite variety of perceptions. An infinite variety of what they value and what they don't. Is it that TGITWH brought along with him a change agent to transform some who used to be regular folks into what they are today? Admirers/supporters/defenders of his? Not everyone was so afflicted/affected. In fact the majority were not but the minority is very loud and loud sometimes gives the impression of being a majority. Thank you for your reply and the graphic Sharon :)