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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » This is not a new idea. Quid pro quo. Pay to play. Is marriage a legalization of man wanting sex on demand and women complying? Terrible?

This is not a new idea. Quid pro quo. Pay to play. Is marriage a legalization of man wanting sex on demand and women complying? Terrible?

I know. It was TRUE LOVE forever and ever for everyone who ever marries. Of course a huge percentage of these "true lovers" cheat on the side. Women as well as men. Does that make the marriage contract null and void or is that part of the masquerade? Everyone wants to go to the Masquerade Ball. Well almost everyone. They change partners when sex calls and think nothing of it. So much for marriage. SIGH.

Posted - July 22, 2018


  • 46117
    I think entering into a contract between two people when we cannot see what is going on is very hard to decipher.  That is worse than figuring out what Trump said to Putin in that no one allowed conference.

    This is a contract where you see nothing unless there is proof positive.  Therefore, there are a lot of gray areas.  It can be a very dangerous line to cross either way.   Rape of a spouse is one issue and lying and accusing a spouse of rape is another.

    Very hard to prove.  I think it is more along those lines and if you have a Justice system in your town that has a sane Judge, I think he will err on the side of protecting whomever he feels has the preponderance of innocence on his side, and if you have a lying, Jeff Sessions type of Judge who will just rule on his desires, then you are screwed.

      July 22, 2018 10:11 AM MDT

  • 113301
    Old white rich men still rule Sharon.  They call all the shots everywhere. When that will change I do not know  but I do know that I will be long dead! Thank you for your reply! :
      July 22, 2018 10:17 AM MDT