Very true. He is clearly obviously unequivocally of the opinion that any publicity however disgusting is better than being ignored. Just spell his name right and he is happy as a clam at high tide! A very old fat clam . Thank you for your reply and swell graphic! :)
Well in Trumps case it would be pants because he doesn't have much hair but he has a heck of a lot of material in his pants so it would take 3 Water bombers to put out the fire. Cheers!
Well if you really think about it - it shows that Trump is an expensive president to keep. When Obama was president and if his pants caught on fire you could put it out with a hand held extinguisher and it would only cost tax payers $29 to have the extinguisher recharged. But with Trump it would take 3 Water bombers and if the White house had to rent those water bombers it could cost tax payers $850 per hour for each water bomber. Cheers!
This post was edited by Nanoose at July 31, 2018 4:57 AM MDT
He is. Very. And his supporters don't mind at all since they believe he is worth every penny. You know when he visited the golf course HE OWNS in Scotland he charged the government $50,000 for its use. How is that for being a cheapskate? His weekend visits to golf courses are very expensive. His trips to everywhere taking along an enormous entourage of yesmen and yeswomen ain't cheap. His looking the other way when favorites of his spend huge amounts of money on themselves at the public expense. He doesn't give a rat's a** about anyone or anything but himself. Why his supporters think that is such an awesome attribute I cannot say. I don't even know if they know. I think he's just go 'em hypnotized or something so they can't help it. Thank you for your reply Nanoose! :)
This post was edited by RosieG at July 31, 2018 5:01 AM MDT