Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» One ought NEVER accuse a sitting prez of lying. One says "misspoke misstated mistook" or "confused conflicted concerned". Better?
His adoring supporter worshippers are superduper sensitive to what you call him. Ya gotta walk on eggshells with them. Call him LIAR and they get all intense and huffy. But misspeak misstate is okey dokey.Same thing but in different packaging. They ADORE his packaging. Thank you for your reply Sharon! :)
To be fair I think they are all besotted with him. So besotted they can't ever become unbesotted. Ya know the song in Snowhite "One day my prince will come. One day I'll find the one.."? Well he is the prince they were waiting for. Apparently. It happens.Go figger! Thank you for your reply and the graphic Sharon! :)
Perfect. Eloquent. Succinct. Right on target. Thank you for your reply Sharon. One day we shall get to the bottom of this mystery. I hope. Until then we just gotta keep on truckin' :)(