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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » The pusillanimous poopy pol (aka Rand Paul) wants TGITWH to revoke John Brennan's credentials for being truthful. Has poopy no shame?

The pusillanimous poopy pol (aka Rand Paul) wants TGITWH to revoke John Brennan's credentials for being truthful. Has poopy no shame?

Posted - July 23, 2018


  • 46117
    John Brennan is the most eloquent, succinct, powerful speaker I have heard in a long time.

    His words are beautifully pre-thought out, well spoken and easily taken in.

    Rand Paul could not, on his BEST DAY ever come near to dallying with the likes of a John Brennan.

    It would be like Mickey Mouse challenging Einstein.

      July 23, 2018 12:14 PM MDT

  • 113301
    Poopy Paul plans to work through the weakest link. TGITWH! Need I say more? Brennan is very thoughtful very intelligent  very experienced and very constrained/restrained/contained considering all the sh** he has had to deal with. Can TGITWH do that? Of course he can. He can do anything! He is SUPERMAN! Dam* the rules, laws, regulations, precedent. He wants what he wants when he wants it and nothing and nobody dare  try to stop him. Let's see how really "brave" TGITWH  is. Let him try a hat  trick in fact. FIRE MUELLER, ROSENSTEIN and COATES simultaneously and for the cherry on that cake? Revoke Brennan's Security Clearnace. His base base will support all of that. We know that. But as for the others out there? They could make his life HE**  if he dared to try it. Will he play chicken and show us who blinks? Whatcha think? Thank you for your reply Sharon!  :)
      July 23, 2018 12:27 PM MDT

  • 46117
    I think he has been most OUTSPOKEN, Brennan has.

    He has laid TRUMP out and used TWEETING to do it, used any news show that will invite him on and he will not stop until the world hears what he has to say.

    I am so proud to know he is alive and around and vital.

    Do you know what IDIOT said back? 

    Brennan is a very bad man.  Very bad.

    Like his base is comprised of three-year olds.  


    John O. Brennan
    ‏Verified account @JohnBrennan

    Donald Trump’s press conference performance in Helsinki rises to & exceeds the threshold of “high crimes & misdemeanors.” It was nothing short of treasonous. Not only were Trump’s comments imbecilic, he is wholly in the pocket of Putin. Republican Patriots: Where are you???
    8:52 AM - 16 Jul 2018

    This post was edited by WM BARR . =ABSOLUTE TRASH at July 23, 2018 12:31 PM MDT
      July 23, 2018 12:30 PM MDT

  • 113301
    I think his "education" is fake news and I'm gonna ask a question about it. His vocabulary is exceedingly small. He doesn't read. He doesn't listen. He doesn't ask questions because he knows everything. If he has a degree daddy dearest bought it for him. I betcha. Everyone can think circles around him .They can certainly talk circles around him. He doesn't talk down to his base. He is already there with them. That's where he lives. I think he is very jealous of smart since he isn't one of them. Never will be. Doesn't the "right stuff". A less than mediocre very unstellar monosyllbic verbose talker is what we got. Heaven help us!  :(
      July 23, 2018 12:41 PM MDT

  • 113301
    I think his "education" is fake news and I'm gonna ask a question about it. His vocabulary is exceedingly small. He doesn't read. He doesn't listen. He doesn't ask questions because he knows everything. If he has a degree daddy dearest bought it for him. I betcha. Everyone can think circles around him .They can certainly talk circles around him. He doesn't talk down to his base. He is already down there with them. That's where he lives. I think he is very jealous of smart since he isn't one of them. Never will be. Doesn't have the "right stuff". A less than mediocre very unstellar monosyllabic verbose talker is what we got in TGITWH. Heaven help us!  :( This post was edited by RosieG at July 23, 2018 12:51 PM MDT
      July 23, 2018 12:41 PM MDT

  • 46117
      July 23, 2018 12:43 PM MDT

  • 113301
      July 27, 2018 4:43 AM MDT