Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Are SLIPPERY SLOPES inevitable or avoidable? Strip those you dislike of their Security Clearances. Then what comes next?

Are SLIPPERY SLOPES inevitable or avoidable? Strip those you dislike of their Security Clearances. Then what comes next?

Take away their citizenship
Exile them to someplace else
Imprison them with an open ended time of release up to and including NEVER
Have them killed

This is what despot dictators do all the time. People dare not speak truth to power. They dare not speak up against the power. In every case the power will win.

So if TGITWH successfully strips his "enemies" of their security clearances doesn't that open the gate for him to retaliate against whomever whenever however he chooses? Who will stop him? At what point?

Posted - July 24, 2018


  • 2706
    Is it really a matter of stripping the security clearance of those one dislikes or is it a matter of stripping the security clearance of those who pose a real threat to the sovereignty of this country and to the freedoms and rights of it's citizens?
      July 24, 2018 4:19 AM MDT