Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» All ya gotta say is "I feared for my life" and you can kill an unarmed person and walk away from any punishment. STAND YOUR GROUND. Fair?
I agree, but in the recent case of the man who was shot because of a parking spot, it was not a case of self-defense. The video showed the man who was wrongly parked pushing the other man who was the one who initiated the disagreement. After shoving him away, he backed up and was not a threat any longer. In fact, it was a couple of seconds before the man who was pushed reached for his gun and shot. At that point, the black fellow was backed away from him and never made another move to push. In my opinion, the "stand your ground" law should not be admissible here.
If you can get on Yahoo, I believe they have the video which shows up to the point where he's been shot and going back into the convenience store where he dies in front of his 5-year old son.
Both assault and battery had been committed by the deceased, and as a "reasonable man," the person who shot him did not have the luxury of deciding whether the deceased was through with the battery or was getting ready to batter him again.
A stand-your-ground law (sometimes called "line in the sand" or "no duty to retreat" law) is a justification in a criminal case, whereby defendants can "stand their ground" and use force without retreating, in order to protect and defend themselves or others against threats or perceived threats. An example is where there is no duty to retreat from any place where they have a lawful right to be, and that they may use any level of force if they reasonably believe the threat rises to the level of being an imminent and immediate threat of serious bodily harm and/or death. One case describes "the 'stand your ground' law... a person has a right to expect absolute safety in a place they have a right to be, and may use deadly force to repel an unlawful intruder." (Wikipedia)
WHICH one? I had nothing specific in mind. This is just a generic question based on all the unarmed young black men who were killed and the killers walked which is all of them isn't it? And it is THAT for which the NFL players take a knee. IN PROTEST. It has nothing to do with patriotism or lack thereof which TGITWH has pretzelized into as usual. He lies about everything all the time so why should he tell the truth THIS time? So fill me in on what YOU are talking about please and thank you. :)
This post was edited by RosieG at July 25, 2018 6:38 AM MDT
If that is what it was---just a generic question based on all the unarmed young black men who were killed and the killers walked which is all of them"---then I shouldn't have answered it.
Because if you are implying that, you don't understand "no duty to retreat."
There are many things I don't understand. People too. From time to time you are one of them. Thank you for your reply. You did not answer my question but m2c did so what does it matter?