Cody Wilson won the right to publish instructions/blueprints for making 3D printed guns. He used the 1st amendment. Instructions are free speech. And the second amendment. The right to own arms. So now anyone can build his own gun in the comfort of his home and go out and kill folks. No registration required. Isn't the internet wonderful?
Yep ... not a big deal ... WAY overblown by the media.
You can print a 1-use gun ... but as I said, you risk having it blow up in your hand on that first shot.
It is guaranteed to blow up. It's just a question of how few rounds you can fire, before it does.
(It's like using a piece of PVC pipe as a gun barrel)
If you're going to build a 1-shot firearm ... "zip" gun plans have been around since WW2.
(the Allies provided plans for them to resistance fighters behind Axis lines)
Nope. If somebody wants to build something at home to go on a killing spree, bombs are still the easiest and most reliable item.
Look at what Timothy McVeigh did with a rental truck and barrels of fertilizer+diesel fuel.
And if you can find a copy of the old "Anarchist's Cookbook", there are plenty of ideas in there to cause mayhem and death.
I don't know if it's actually worse ... or if it's just that we're able to hear about it faster, due to increasing communication technology.
On the "plus" side ... if you want to look at it that way ... according to a story on NPR this morning, 2/3 of gun deaths are suicides.
So at least the majority of those using guns for violence (in the US) are doing so against themselves.
And the majority of them are white males living in the suburbs and rural areas.