Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Those who are strong and intelligent can handle oppostion/disgreement/criticism. Those who are weak want it destroyed. Right?

Those who are strong and intelligent can handle oppostion/disgreement/criticism. Those who are weak want it destroyed. Right?

Here's how ya do it. Get the folks riled up enough so that they go out and stalk and hunt and kill anyone who doesn't support/agree/kiss a**. Then life is good for everyone because the only ones left are TGITWH and all his toady sycophants. East peasy. Breezy. When will it happen? I dunno. SIGH.

Posted - July 27, 2018


  • 2706
    Wrong. Being able to handle criticism/opposition/disagreement isn't necessarily contingent upon being weak or strong. People that can't take criticism/opposition/disagreement well simply means that their ego isn't permitting them to look at the issue. There can be a lot behind this from persons past and hence their reality and how they view themselves. Some of us simply can't handle being wrong or see what we think are flaws in ourselves. From our reality, we tend to give people information in the way that is best for us, and not best for them. This is just one area that can shut someone down to criticism. 
      July 27, 2018 5:26 AM MDT