Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Ever gamble on the job? Add a little spice to your life? Didja know you could be fired for it?

Ever gamble on the job? Add a little spice to your life? Didja know you could be fired for it?

The two female Roswell, Georgia police officers who flipped a coin to decide whether or not to arrest someone were fired Thursday.  Guess they were bored. The coin got her arrested. The flip of a coin deciding your fate?  Wonder if anyone ever did that in a life-or-death situation? These gals were pikers. Penny ante. Ordinary.

Posted - July 27, 2018


  • 10799
    I say they deserved to be fired!  They'll be lucky if they don't get their a$$es sued off.  That kind of stunt is something one might expect from an  10 year old kid, not an adult police officer.  Joking around about it was bad enough, but to actually do it?   They should be made to publicly apologize to the lady they did this to. I have no sympathy for people like that.  
      July 27, 2018 2:36 PM MDT

  • 113301
    Nor do I but ya know what Shuhak? I bet there are more folks like those two bimbos "serving" the public than there are caring sensible reasonable rational people who want to do a good job. Millions of them out there earning their living by treating other humans inhumanely. How do people get like that? Are they born that way or become that way? I think all of them should be jailed. I wonder how much it would cost to build enough jails to incarcerate all the crumbums? No way to quantify it. Suffice it to say if you find a good guy/good gal in a position of power who is pro we the people you are one lucky dude/dudette. SIGH. Was it always that way?
      July 28, 2018 2:37 AM MDT

  • 10799
    I know there are.  Empathy is being removed from society one generation at a time. 

    You may disagree with me here, but I blame technology, media and bad parenting.  People are "entertained" by violence and selfishness - and they imitate it. Celebrities (who are still looked up to) have few (if any) morals.  Parents refuse to teach or discipline their children.  More and more parents are letting their children whatever they please as disciplining them might hurt their self esteem (plus its a lot easier).  In the 30 years I worked in retail I saw how parents (of all backgrounds, ethnicities, financial standings and so forth) treated their children - from newborns to teenagers.  When I first started, a majority of parents would teach their kids how to behave in a store and discipline them if they misbehaved.  30 years later, a majority of parents simply let their kids do whatever they wanted (run around, break things, scream, throw tantrums, boss their parents around, sass back, etc.).  And the worst part.... many parents rewarded them for it.   
    Human life has been devalued.  If you have a problem with another person or if they're different than you (color, religion, attire, ethnic, etc.), just go out kill them.  Problem solved (just like on TV).  Women aren't people, their objects to be used and discarded.  If you have "sexula urges", grab a woman (or child), rape them (maybe even torture them) then kill them.  

    You may disagree with me here too, but i think we need stronger punishments for crimes  (executions, public shamings, etc.) - and doing them, not just talk about perhaps maybe thinking about possibility of someday doing it) as well as fair penalties (money, prestige, etc. doesn't get you off for a crime).
      July 28, 2018 10:17 AM MDT

  • 113301
    As usual m'dear you have given me a lot to contemplate. I'm gonna take it in order as best I can. I disagree with blaming media IF IT REPORTS WHAT HAPPENED ACCURATELY. Now certain media outlets (FOX NEWS for example) make a living promulgating LIES and CONSPIRACY THEORIES and UNWARRANTED ATTACKS for political reasons only.  They don't count. They are shills for an agenda. HONEST REPORTING IS WHAT KEEPS us going in my opinion. Parents can only do what they are capable of doing based on how they were raised. Each generation MOLDS the succeeding generations in its own image. When I was a kid (you know I'm 80) it was exactly as you describe. We were taught to be respectful and polite and to obey and act appropriately. That is when parents enjoyed the job of PARENTING. At some point parents opted to be their kids FRIEND. FRIENDS let you do whatever the h e** ya wanna do and support you and defend you and protect you no matter what you do or how bad your behavior  That explains the why of a guy like TGITWH. It's at that point that things fell apart rapidly. As far as technology is concerned I have said so years ago and wondered if the "progress" in technology hadn't been achieved by paying too great a price in our humanity? The more spiffy the electronic thingies are that we cannot live without the farther away we get from one another. We have relationships with our devices. It's easier. They do not have opinions nor do they challenge you to think. When they disobey it isn't because they disagree. It's because they need repair/fixing and once fixed they go right back to being obedient devices whose only purpose is to serve you without giving you any lip. Bookstores and libraries are disappearing. You can get anything you want online. How fine, right? Brick and mortar stores are becoming extinct. You can buy it CHEAPER on Amazon or whatever. The cheaper the better. Cheaper and faster replaced quality and investment of time. We want what we want NOW if not yesterday and don't get in my way or you will pay. So we mostly agree except where we don't. Technology is ahead of us now and I guess always will be. We keep running faster not to keep up but just so we don't get left in the dust. To what end? For what purpose? Hamsters in cages running as fast as we can going nowhere. Add to that mix TGITWH. Any reasonable sensible rational person's worst nightmare. The cherry on the cake. The cake is made of dung. The last straw? As far as punishment the death penalty never stopped anyone from doing anything. I like ridiculing and shaming and showing people for what they are...bums, evildoers and selfish greedy egomaniacs whose only carrot is money honey. Years ago when deadbeat dads didn't pay what they owed their ex-wives their names AND photos appeared in the local paper stating that they were in arrears and refused to pay what they owed in child support. Haven't seen any lately but I think doing billboards with photos of the crumb bums listing what crimes they committed and plastering that all over the country and TV ceaselessly relentlessly as they are incarcerated for life would be great. Also remember that there are some criminals who do not survive in jail. Even criminals have standards and pedophiles for example die very quickly. I would think other criminals would also be in grave jeopardy from their fellow inmates. No one should be isolated for their own protection. Everyone (including TGITWH) should be in the general population. The death penalty is final. Innocent people that were framed have died and will continue to die. I wouldn't want that on my conscience.Thank you for your reply Shuhak!  :) This post was edited by RosieG at July 29, 2018 10:14 AM MDT
      July 29, 2018 4:58 AM MDT

  • 10799
     Perhaps I used the wrong word.   I meant media as in TV, movies, facebook and such, not the news. 


    Well, I think it costs a lot to house these criminals who are definitely guilty, but whose lawyers got their crime "reduced" due to technicalities.  (fictional example - the person shot a clerk while robbing a store, but since the gun belonged to the clerk it didn't count)
      July 29, 2018 10:14 AM MDT

  • 113301
    But when TGITWH sez "the media is the enemy" he is talking specifically about the reporters who confront him, challenge him and seek the truth. He can't handle the truth so he conspires to stifle it. His worshippers accept and believe whatever he says so they are a lost cause. The rest of us will never believe anything he says so we are a lost cause. Why he bothers I don't know. I'm gonna ask! Thank you for your reply Shuhak!  :) This post was edited by RosieG at July 29, 2018 1:51 PM MDT
      July 29, 2018 11:04 AM MDT