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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » No wonder all the "GOOD" moral people hate Bill Clinton. He is the ONLY politician who ever lied about having sex. Evil, right?

No wonder all the "GOOD" moral people hate Bill Clinton. He is the ONLY politician who ever lied about having sex. Evil, right?

All the other men, ESPECIALLY ALL REPUBLICANS, are GOOD FAMILY MEN WHO DON"T STRAY, DON'T BETRAY, DON'T go outside the lines of family values and Christian values and Godly virtues. How nice for them and their wives and their children too. Knowing daddy loves them best and most and would NEVER CHEAT on mommy dearest. So wonder Republicans are righteously angry. We know how moral they be. How TRUTH and HONOR and PATRIOTISM is all they live for and are why they find all others not like them repellent beasts. All of them are role models for goodness truth morality and justice. We can rest easy. Sleep peacefully. Knowing they are in complete control of everything including MORALITY and TRUTH. How sweet it is! :(

Posted - July 29, 2018


  • 35077
    I hate no one. i disagree with Clinton policies.
      July 29, 2018 8:03 AM MDT

  • What I'm getting from this is that we should condemn those who don't stray or betray and uplift those who are morally bankrupt. I think what you fail to grasp, is the fact that many of us rest easy and sleep peacefully regardless of how the "Clintons" of the world conduct their lives or how they behave. I had decided in 1992, before the news of Clinton's dalliances broke, that I didn't want him near my bank account, property, or my daughter. Moral compass aside, I've never had any use for the Clintons or their politics. 
      July 29, 2018 9:11 AM MDT