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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » CONServatives are CONS. LIBerals are LIBS. Can a relationship between CONS and LIBS be cordial/friendly/calm?

CONServatives are CONS. LIBerals are LIBS. Can a relationship between CONS and LIBS be cordial/friendly/calm?

For how long?

Posted - July 31, 2018


  • 46117
    Like Republicans, Conservatives are few and far between. Like terrorists who happen to pretend to be Muslim.

    Few and far between.

    But they do exist and they don't act like Trump's base and Trump's minions. 

    They spend money on the next election to stop Trump and his moron Administration.

    This Billionaire Has Launched a $10 Million Campaign to Impeach Donald Trump

    California billionaire Tom Steyer has released an ad as the centerpiece of a $10 million campaign calling for President Donald Trump’s impeachment.

    “A Republican Congress once impeached a president for far less. And today, people in Congress and his own administration know that this President is a clear and present danger who is mentally unstable and armed with nuclear weapons,” Steyer says in the video, which calls on members of Congress to take steps to remove Trump from office.

    Lots of people have called for Trump’s impeachment. What makes Steyer’s campaign different?

    Steyer may be relatively unknown to the public, but he loomed large in the 2016 campaign. He was the single biggest spender in 2016 election, after spending more than $75 million to “mobilize millennials for progressive causes,” CBS reported.

    Steyer is nothing if not an overachiever. According to Men’s Journal, he graduated first in his class at Phillips Exeter Academy, then summa cum laude from Yale, where he was also captain of the soccer team. He graduated from Stanford business school, and went on to spend two years at Goldman Sachs. He then founded Farallon Capital, using a multi-faceted, debt-shy approach to make it one of the most successful hedge funds ever created. Forbes puts Steyer’s current net worth at $1.61 billion.

    Steyer showed an early interest in politics, serving as a volunteer for the Walter Mondale campaign in the early ’80s. He became a political force in the past 15 years, when students at his two alma maters began critiquing his fund’s investments in firms deemed anti-labor and environmentally unfriendly.

    “Behind the scenes, Steyer and his wife [Kat Taylor, who trained as a lawyer] were embarrassed because they were personally committed to social justice and environmental causes,” Men’s Journal reported.

    “It was a little flare going off in our minds,” Taylor told the magazine. They thought, “One day we want to be totally aligned. We haven’t earned that moment just yet, but we’re going to get there.”

    In 2012, Steyer sold his stake in Farallon and founded NextGen Climate, which this year became NextGen America. Its mission is to “prevent climate disaster, promote prosperity, and protect the fundamental rights of every American,” according to its website.

    In 2014, TIME named Steyer one of the world’s 100 most influential people. Former Vice President Al Gore wrote that Steyer was “helping to mobilize young voters and ensure that facts, not antiscience climate denial, have a better chance to prevail in races around the country.”

    The impeachment campaign, which is not connected to NextGen, represents a new line of attack for Steyer. The main ad was posted on YouTube last week, and has been viewed over 600,000 times. Commercials have also been running on broadcast stations in New York and California, as well as on cable stations nationally.

    On the campaign’s website,, Steyer writes, “Donald Trump has brought us to the brink of nuclear war, obstructed justice, and taken money from foreign governments. We need to impeach this dangerous president.”

    It links to a petition to be sent to elected officials in Washington asking them to “remove [Trump] from office at once.” This post was edited by WM BARR . =ABSOLUTE TRASH at July 31, 2018 1:06 PM MDT
      July 31, 2018 1:02 PM MDT

  • 113301
    Thank you for your very thoughtful and very informative reply Sharon. I appreciate it . I know the Koch Brothers have turned on TGITWH. Many REPUBLICAN businessmen think he has more than one screw loose. He has butchered the lives of farmers with his tariffs trade wars and thinks he can "fix it" with a $12 Billion welfare giveaway. Through all this completely ANTI-REPUBLICAN activity his peeps hold on tight and keep defending him. They are NOT Republicans. They are Trumpetans/Trumpicans/Trumpalots/Trumpeteers/Trumpsters. The Koch Brothers have way lots more money I'd bet on them! I wonder if TGITWH will say UNCLE first or will the whiny crybaby run away and hide? Why anyone anywhere for any reason takes anything he says/does seriously is beyond me. It takes all kinds. :( This post was edited by RosieG at July 31, 2018 1:13 PM MDT
      July 31, 2018 1:12 PM MDT

  • 6988
    Gee, I'm a Con and I am calm and friendly, except maybe when the media lies.
      July 31, 2018 6:15 PM MDT