Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » While laughing at clowns you can also feel pity for them. America is the clown and TGITWH has made us a laughingstock. Do YOU pity us?

While laughing at clowns you can also feel pity for them. America is the clown and TGITWH has made us a laughingstock. Do YOU pity us?

Posted - July 31, 2018


  • 46117
    Yeah.  I'm laughing like Nero fiddled when Rome burned under his feet.

    Har de har har.

      July 31, 2018 1:07 PM MDT

  • 10798
    America pays the fines for the president's crimes.

    The damage he's done may take years to undo - if indeed it can be undone.  A once mighty nation brought to its knees by an orange-haired clown.  Ipity the real americans.  The ones who, despite the despot in the whitewashed-house, continue to display true patriotism.  The ones who don't stand behind the politicians and corporations, who only want to rape the land and citizens for personal gain, but rather are willing to help those in need - fellow citizens or not.  The ones who, while having many rights, don't demand them or  flaunt them in the face of all, but will quietly and gladly relinquish them so that their neighbor may have his/hers.  Those who gladly give their time, money - even their life to protect that which they love.  That's a real American.  Our leaders are NOT true representatives of the US, despite their boisterous claims and their fancy flag lapel pins.  Their actions demonstrate that they don't care about America.  Their priorities lie in themselves and in the almighty dollar.  They lie, cheat, steal, bribe all to further themselves not their country.  Even our leader proudly sells out his country to foreign nations.  Yet, sadly, what the world sees is our leaders -  buffoons and arrogant weaklings.
      July 31, 2018 3:29 PM MDT

  • 113301
    Thank you for a very thoughtful though quite sad analysis Shuhak. Of course the sad isn't your fault. You are just reporting it. You didn't create it. I am, was and always will be stunned/shocked/horrified that a person like that could ever be elected prez and even more shocked that those who voted for him stand by him no matter what reprehensible thing he does/says. That opened my eyes alright. We are surrounded by them. I KNOW there are more of us than them but how many of them are there? How many millions of "Americans" stand by their man just like a country singer dame stands by her man no matter how much of a sleazeball crumb bumg traitor he is. He can beat the crap out of her nd cheat on her and still she loves him! That I don't get. What tricks will he perform for us next? Iran perhaps will follow and he will give Iran whatever it wants and get nothing in return but humiliation as he did in North Korea and Russia. Boy I can hardly wait for that one! Just kidding. Happy Wednesday! :) Happy August 1st! :)
      August 1, 2018 2:52 AM MDT

  • 17081
    Not really. America's apathy elected Trump, too many people didn't care enough to vote. You got what you deserved, as a nation (of course I'm generalizing, don't take this personally if you DID vote and NOT for the Dumpster). His Royal Orangeness just might be what the US needed to shake it out of its torpor. We can only hope.
      July 31, 2018 5:00 PM MDT

  • 113301
    Thank you for your reply and Happy August 1st Wednesday. "You got what you deserved". I'm going to pursue that. It is fodder for a question.
      August 1, 2018 2:57 AM MDT

  • 35077
    The USA is laughing all the way to the bank.....
      July 31, 2018 7:34 PM MDT

  • 113301
    So you are one of them then m2c? Everything is always predicated on money and if the money is there all is well and if it isn't it isn't? Seriously? Different strokes. I'm very happy you're making lotsa money and that making lotsa money keeps you so content. Thank you for your reply and Happy Wednesday. This post was edited by RosieG at August 1, 2018 5:37 AM MDT
      August 1, 2018 2:59 AM MDT

  • 35077
    There is a reason Clinton's slogan was "It's the Economy, Stupid"
      August 1, 2018 5:23 AM MDT

  • 113301
    WOW! You are actually quoting a DEMOCRAT? And a CLINTON to boot? You'd better watch out m2c. The Trumpiots will getcha for that. I won't fink on you but there is nothing I can do about those who see what you wrote and are offended by it and will make you pay for it. Good luck. Thank you for your reply.
      August 1, 2018 5:39 AM MDT

  • 35077
    My first vote was for Bill Clinton as President. Lol
    I will take my chances...I am pretty safe. 
      August 1, 2018 5:42 AM MDT