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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » TGITWH ORDERED several security folks to give speeches about what we are doing to protect our election. Guess what he did next?

TGITWH ORDERED several security folks to give speeches about what we are doing to protect our election. Guess what he did next?

Hours later TGITWH once again referred to the threat as a Russian hoax.

Think the folks who spoke about the threat and what we are doing about it were pleased that he once again undercut/sabotaged/betrayed them?

I think ALL OF THEM should quit. How many hits to their credibility can they take before there is none left?

He loves to play tricks on his appointees and embarrass them and set them up and then contradict them. He does that as part of his MO and probably thinks he is very clever to keep tricking them into thinking he wants them to speak up, speak out, speak the truth. Once again they were all humiliated.

What are ya gonna do? TGITWH never matured. Never grew past adolescence and so he still gets kicks out of squeezing his zits, ripping the wings off butterflies and microwaving pets. SIGH.

Posted - August 3, 2018


  • 46117
    Employed CHINA to hack Russia?

      August 3, 2018 8:23 AM MDT

  • 113301
     Cut them off at the legs. Sabotaged, undercut, humiliated, embarrassed. You know. THE USUAL. Thank you for your reply.
      August 3, 2018 11:26 AM MDT

  • 11420
    I bet what ever those security folks said they will do to protect the election isn't nearly enough because the Russians are experts at hacking and spreading propaganda. Plus they have already been at it for over a year so they likely already have a lot of back doors open and a lot of programs planted. Fortunately a lot of North American social media sites and computer experts are taking action and soon the good guy bots will be sending the Russian bots back to Siberia with their tails between their legs (that is if bots have tails). Cheers and happy weekend! 
      August 3, 2018 12:01 PM MDT