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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Why should any prez have the right to LEGISLATE lower emission standards and reduced environmental protections? Who does TGITWH think he is?

Why should any prez have the right to LEGISLATE lower emission standards and reduced environmental protections? Who does TGITWH think he is?

California wants CLEANER AIR so in order to achieve that we have been cleaning up all the crap for YEARS. Now TGITWH wants to crap up our air and water and land and car emissions again because it's CHEAPER so all the bigwig bigshot rich folks don't have to spend as much money. Let them kill their states and the people who live there. CALIFORNIA is not a follower. We don't do what stupid dumbs tell us to do. Why should we? Blue states think for them selves and don't rollover and whimper and do what they are told even when it's gonna kill more of them. Geez how stupid TGITWH must think we all are. We all AREN'T! Get off our backs!  Leave us  alone!. Let us go our own way and let other states go theirs.



Posted - August 3, 2018


  • 46117
    He gave the United States to Ukraine and you  are worried about gas?
      August 3, 2018 8:16 AM MDT

  • 113301
    ONe thing has ZERO to do with another. I have lived in California for most of my life. i remember decades ago when SMOG was a way of life. Then we got some EPA folks who believed in DOING SOMETHING ABOUT IT so we did. Cleaned up our air a lot (not perfect but a he**uva lot better than it was). We live in our cars and drive a lot and so forcing cars to burn gas more efficiently benefits the evironment and the air and our lungs and our quality of life. I'm not going to even touch on our being a Sanctuary State. Am I happy with having TGITWH in bed with Putin? No. However when all that sh** hits the fans I won 't die of lung cancer or emphysema from it. Maybe I will expire in an instant after Iran or North Korean or Russia (YES RUSSIA) drops a nuclear bomb on me. Right now in the right now my concern is clean air, clean water, clean lands free of toxic waste and reduced emissions. You worry about whatever you think is important to you Sharon and I shall do the same . Thank you for your question. Did I answer it? I do not know why you did not answer my question.
      August 3, 2018 11:07 AM MDT

  • 6023

    I thought he gave it to Russia ... which is the enemy of Ukraine.
      August 3, 2018 11:09 AM MDT

  • 113301
      August 4, 2018 2:13 AM MDT

  • 13395
    TGITWH does not think having a clean environment has anything to do with making America great again. 
      August 3, 2018 8:19 AM MDT

  • 113301
    Clearly health is not an issue for him. He does not exercise. He eats junk food.  He is going to eliminate coverage for pre-existing conditions. His focus is on a lotta stuff but health ain't one of 'em. Thank you for your reply Kg and Happy Friday to thee! :) This post was edited by RosieG at August 4, 2018 2:14 AM MDT
      August 3, 2018 11:10 AM MDT

  • As long as Federal judges LEGISLATE from the bench, then I've got no problem with the president doing the same. As long as we've blurred the lines between the separation of powers, and have let each branch of government usurp authority never given to them, then let's go all the way. We ditched constitutional government a long time ago.
      August 3, 2018 10:12 AM MDT

  • 113301
     Legislating to MAKE THINGS WORSE is okay with you? To endanger health is fine and dandy? Anything goes? Crapped up environment and lower emission standards for cars is hunky dorry? Does it matter WHAT the legislation is? Anyway the partisan party line is that Conservatives/Republicans/Trumpetans do not want judges legislating from the bench which is WHY SCOTUS is gonna be as right-wing extreme Conservative as TGITWH can make 'em. Right? As long as they ALWAYS COME DOWN ON THE SIDE OF CONSERVATIVES.  If they don't there will be he** to pay. That's what "da base" always brings up as one of the reason they voted for TGITWH. SCOTUS! Also abortion and immigration which is WHY THE WALL IS THEIR ALL THEIR EVERYTHING. Whether there will be any rogues who think for themselves and do what's right we can't know but it doesn't look good from my perspective. Thank you for your reply DA and Happy Saturday.
      August 4, 2018 2:20 AM MDT

  • 10798
    He only cares about money.  To him the environment is something to exploit for profit.  Use it, abuse it, and move on!

    The guy is determined to make things like they were in the 40's and 50's.  To him that's when America was prospering (which is true).  HOwever, he fails to understand that many of the practices we did back then were killing us - using asbestos in manythings (dust), lead in paint and gasoline, pouring oil and antifreeze on the ground or down the drain, spraying DDT everywhere, painting radium on toys and watches so they'd glow-in-the-dark...  an dwe paid the cost - cities like Los Angeles were perpetually covered in a brown haze, children and the elderly were dying of lung disease and asthma, drinking water was so polluted that it was actually toxic, food contained toxic levels of poisons, and garbage covered the landscape!  But trump doesn't see that.  He only sees the "prosperity" part - not the terrible price we paid for it in the long run.

    Granted it costs more to be environmentally friendly (although it shouldn't have to), granted it takes a bit of effort on everyone's part, and yes, they may have gone overboard on a few things in the name of "environmental friendliness" .. but we've gotten used to it.  We've even prospered from it - monetarily and with longer life spans.  Why go back to what we know was bad?  Why go back to a time that was prosperous mostly due to war WWII?  

    Maybe we should stick him in a room full of CO2, O3, and CO and let him enjoy the rich aromatic air for a while.  Of course, knowing him he'd probably flourish in it.
      August 3, 2018 10:25 AM MDT

  • 113301
    He is definitely an alien being. The last thing on his mind is health. The first is himself and how to make himself wealthier. Whatever lies in-between varies from moment to moment. Thank you for your thouthgtul reply Shuhak. He is obese. He doesn't exercise. He eats junk food. Why should he care about the environment? I"m gonna ask! :)
      August 3, 2018 11:12 AM MDT