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Jeffrey Beauregard Sessions is taking up the RELIGION cudgel again. To enforce legislation protecting it! Which means?

More laws will be written and ENFORCED to protect bigotry, racism, hate. The RIGHTS of the RELIGIOUS RIGHT shall not be impinged upon at any time in any way by anyone. That covers a lot of ground doesn't it? The  Constitution DOES NOT support/enhance/advocate ANY STATE RELIGION. But the Attorney General does and I guess he is above the law and above the Constitution so he will make laws that support the religion of the extreme right-wing in all its glory up to dotting all i's and crossing all t's and making it illegal to dare challenge any of their "beliefs" that will be enforced by law. How sweet it is!

CONGRESS SHALL MAKE NO LAW RESPECTING AN ESTABLISHMENT OF RELIGION (DON'T :LEGISLATE) OR PROHIBITING THE FREE EXERCISE THEREOF (pay attention to your plate and eat whatever the he** ya wanna eat but stop trying to control what is on the plates of others).

Posted - August 5, 2018


  • 5391
    This is just meat for the base. Strangely enough, Christianity, in it’s thousands of iterations, remains the dominant belief system in the US, but feels somehow threatened that the minority of people not of Christian persuasion are a threat to their faith by way of equal rights to speak against it. Persecution. How friggin ironic.

    It is considered socially acceptable, moral even, and cheered by mobs of enthralled sycophants to state in open public forums that non-believers are wicked, are deluded, are of questionable morals, are servants of “the devil”; but let someone speak to the murderous history or arcane, even criminal practices of a dogma founded on no factual evidence, and you have a case to plead persecution. And an empathetic demographic to plead it to. 

    What is so casually glossed over in all of this is the epic and grievous hypocrisy of Christian Fundamentalists like Mr. Sessions and others who comprise “the base”, who support a President who personifies the very opposite of their alleged moral values, and whose daily pronouncements are an affront to the scriptures and deity they hold sacred. 

    Mouthpieces of these misguided fundamentalists will proclaim that the US of A was founded as a “Christian nation” (it was not), and pledge that “ nation, UNDER GOD“ (an essentially baseless claim inserted in the 1950’s) is “indivisible, with liberty and justice for all”, despite their deliberate actions to divide us (while giving quarter to demagogues like Trump who do) and to limit liberty —as in this case— and manipulate justice against those who don’t believe the same stuff Christians are inculcated to believe. 

    So let’s make the case for persecution, now... This post was edited by Don Barzini at August 6, 2018 3:27 AM MDT
      August 5, 2018 7:34 AM MDT

  • 113301
    I could understand subtle sotto voce implied. Dog whistles that only dogs can hear. There have always been racists bigots haters but never so many so proud to be out from under their white  sheets and rocks in the open and aligned with a president! He is the leader facilitator enabler who worships strong and tough and immoral and selfish men and emulates those who are. A pathethic clone who fails even at that. His base is made up of enablers facilitators adoring worshippers so he feels emboldened to dare more do more say more pushing the envelope...breaking barriers. Perhaps even he is curious to see how far he can go to betray his country and bow down as he kowtows to the Putins of the world. His base cheers him on at rallies. He is doing many rallies ostensibly to help Republicans win. I really think he does it because he loves to be the center of attention with people going nuts about what he says and never questioning or contradicting him.  He is boringly predictably repetitive as if his needle is stuck in the groove of a broken record.The same things over and over and over and over. His vocabulary is limited and child-like. His base believes he is the most honest trustworthy politician and whatever he says is true and whatever they hear or see they don't believe because he told them to. Unbelievable script for a fantasy movie except it is our reality. Go figger! Thank you for your reply DonB and Happy Monday to thee.
      August 6, 2018 3:36 AM MDT