More laws will be written and ENFORCED to protect bigotry, racism, hate. The RIGHTS of the RELIGIOUS RIGHT shall not be impinged upon at any time in any way by anyone. That covers a lot of ground doesn't it? The Constitution DOES NOT support/enhance/advocate ANY STATE RELIGION. But the Attorney General does and I guess he is above the law and above the Constitution so he will make laws that support the religion of the extreme right-wing in all its glory up to dotting all i's and crossing all t's and making it illegal to dare challenge any of their "beliefs" that will be enforced by law. How sweet it is!
CONGRESS SHALL MAKE NO LAW RESPECTING AN ESTABLISHMENT OF RELIGION (DON'T :LEGISLATE) OR PROHIBITING THE FREE EXERCISE THEREOF (pay attention to your plate and eat whatever the he** ya wanna eat but stop trying to control what is on the plates of others).