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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Once you enter the land of "Alternative Facts" you're in a magical place. Truth/fact is banned completely. You cannot be challenged. COOL?

Once you enter the land of "Alternative Facts" you're in a magical place. Truth/fact is banned completely. You cannot be challenged. COOL?

Posted - August 7, 2018


  • 46117
    Melania Trump was forced to plagiarize Michelle Obama's speech.  

    The much more competitive Trump had to outdo his spouse and plagiarize all of Mien Kampf.

    He is the living embodiment of a fat, bloated Hitler.

    That is why he doesn't need drugs or alcohol.  They are still in his brain from the prior reincarnation.

      August 7, 2018 9:11 AM MDT

  • 113301
    The only credit I give him is for being a superlative USEFUL IDIOT. He doesn't have a creative bone or thought in his entire body. He could be a Russian Plant as well. They have "handlers" and are programmed to act/react in specific ways. It just takes robotic adherence to instruction. No brain. No inventive imagination. No nothing. I think Hitler had a lot more on the ball than TGITWH. Can you see Hitler being a useful idiot to anyone? Thank you for your reply Sharon and the graphic. I think TGITWH is a cowardly fella..all yella. He doesn't have the cajones to strap a bomb to his chest and blow himself up!
      August 7, 2018 10:28 AM MDT