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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » We've chatted before about wiggle room for genius. Some say yes, some no. What about the old/young/ill/disadvantaged/average/slow? Why?

We've chatted before about wiggle room for genius. Some say yes, some no. What about the old/young/ill/disadvantaged/average/slow? Why?

When you give folks some wiggle room you cut 'em some slack. Loosen the reins. Give 'em a break. Folks are different so how can you apply the same standards to all of them equally?

Posted - August 7, 2018


  • 46117
    Well, if we employ the Golden Rule and 'do unto others as we would have them do unto our own selves?'  There would be understanding, sympathy, non-judgmentalism and empathy.

    I think that is a recipe for WORLD PEACE.

    Are we ready to surrender, accept and unconditionally love?

    We have to give up a lot of our favorite little pass-times of greediness, hatred, distrust, jealousy and ignorance.  For starters.

    Are we ready?  Or are we going to follow the leader of ego and devolve into total destruction? 

    Do we follow the ten commandments or do we follow our leader into hell?

    For in the end, the fault is not his.  It is ours.

      August 7, 2018 8:36 AM MDT

  • 113301
    Thank you a very thoughtful reply Sharon. We disagree on one important point. I do not believe in unconditional love. I am obliged to love someone who walks all over me, betrays me, disrespects me, uses me for a punching bag either literally or figurative.  I am not from that cloth. I am not wired that way. That seems to be what a Masochist would do. Someone who believed he/she deserved that kind of treatment and so loved always steadfastly and faithfully no matter what. I am not a not matter what person. It matters a lot to me. Just asi I could not love anyone who harmed my child I certainly could not love anyone who harmed me. It makes no sense to me. Never has never will. I have this conversation multiple times through the years. Maybe even with thee. My position is the same now as it has always been. It is what it is and I am whom I am. SIGH.
      August 7, 2018 9:00 AM MDT

  • 46117
    We disagree on the definition of Unconditional Love which has zero to do with emotions, attachments, feelings, or anything someone has DONE to you on earth.

    It has to do with the splendor of being part and parcel of GOD and the FAMILY OF MAN THROUGHOUT eternity and nothing to do with our state of affairs in the physical.

    So, Christ Consciousness has zero to do with Jesus.  He was the personification of this definition because he advised that we need to be in the state of total awareness of who we are and what GOD is in order to reach GOD and be GOD and fear nothing.

    That is what is meant.

    Not, that Jack next door killed your dog because it was barking too loudly.

    Not that personal stuff. 

    It's just that we are all drops in the Ocean of GOD AND MANKIND.

    I don't know if you can agree, but I think you can see where I can think this way.
      August 7, 2018 9:04 AM MDT