Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» TGITWH says if you don't pledge allegiance to the flag or stand and sing The National Anthem you are unpatriotic. Do you agree with he?
Yes I do, but not just because he said that. The flag represents the freedoms we have in this country, as well as all the men and women who have given their lives so we can continue to enjoy those freedoms. Taking a knee, stomping on, or burning the flag is akin to spitting in the dead face of all the soldiers who sacrificed themselves protecting that flag and protecting the people of our country. Hating the POTUS is one thing, disrespecting the Nation and all we've fought for is another.
You are incorrect about the reason for "taking a knee". It has zero to do with what you said and everything to do with protesting all the deaths of all the UNARMED YOUNG BLACK MEN! Those who killed them ALL walked. They were killed for being black. Surely you don't object to people engaging in peaceful protest do you ? TGITWH will use any excuse to attack blacks. He calls some of them LOW IQ. If you were black (maybe you are) would you like that a lot? Anyway just thought I'd let you you know WHY they take knee. You can still hate on them if you wish. TGITWH does. Thank you for your reply glenho and Happy Wednesday.
I know what they re protesting. I support them in their protest reason, but not their method. I do not HATE anybody, so please don't make the assumption that I do. The only one I have heard him call LOW IQ is Maxine Waters, and I agree with him on that.
This post was edited by glenho at August 8, 2018 2:54 PM MDT
You forgot to add TREASONOUS TRAITOR, HATE BATER, MISOGYNIST BIGOTED RACIST who cheated on his wife multiple times, despises women and goes out of his way to lie deny decry. Or maybe you didn't forget at all because we all know he is all those things. Always was. Is now. Always will be. Thank you for your reply Addb and Happy Wednesday to thee! :)
Are you aware of what "taking a knee" is all about Rizz? It has nothing whatsoever to do with the flag or the anthem or patriotism or respect. It is to protest the treatment of blacks..especially all those unarmed young black men whose lives were taken by cops just because they are black. All the cops WALKED. . It is that and that alone that "taking a knee" speaks to and only TGITWH wanted to pretzelize it into something else so he could attack blacks whom he obviously despises. When he says some folks are LOW IQ he is referring to a black person. Most recently he said it about Lebron James and he says it all the time about California Congresswoman Maxine Waters. Any excuse he can use to denigrate women and people of color he does. I think they have a right to protest. It is peaceful and harms no one. If you were a black person (maybe you are) and you wanted to protest the multiple wanton cold evil murders of UNARMED YOUNG BLACK MEN how would YOU do it? Thank you for reading this far if you did and Happy Wednesday Rizz.
This post was edited by RosieG at August 8, 2018 11:54 AM MDT
I’m not going to argue over the “shot because they’re black“ nonsense. I realize the reasons they are claiming to protest. Whether they realize or not they are disrespecting the flag, the country, our military, and veterans. Virtually everyone else is forbidden to protest while in the job, why are they special? They have off time they can protest.
Maybe I’ll counter the absurdity of blacks being murdered by police because of their skin color at a later time. 93% of blacks are murdered or killed by another black. Where are the protests over this? I’m going to stop before I work myself up.
This post was edited by Rizz at August 8, 2018 1:51 PM MDT
I haven't said the Pledge of Allegiance, since I understood what a "pledge" / "oath" was. IIRC, that was around 8 or 9 years old. I never understood why people would give an oath to a piece of cloth. If you want to pledge allegiance ... why not directly to the Republic? (IMO, it's sort of like praying to Mary rather than directly to God)
And obviously, we are not "one nation, under god indivisible" ... as our current division proves. Unless the Pledge is to be taken that our Republic stands for uniting everyone under a single religious sect ... which I don't believe it does.
Well m'dear if you're black then you will be called LOW IQ because you have a spine and a mind of your own of which TGITWH is terrified. If you aren't and you are pasty lily white like TGITWH he might just ignore you altogether. He doesn't know how to deal with folks like you and will do anything he can to silence dissent. Your moniker is phony right? He can't look you up and send his thugs out to "take care of you"! Good for you. Condolences too because any one of the "adoring worshippers" of TGITWH will castigate you, denigrate you, berate you, attack you, insult you. Why? Because you dare to go against der furhrer. Thank you for your reply Walt. I sure hope I keep seeing you out and about! :)
Good. Some folks are innocently naive and go by their entire full names. Or so they said. Maybe they used other names? Maybe I'm the naive one?. As for me I AM Rosie G but what the G is only my friends and family know. Rosemarie to be precise but Rosie too! I'd really not want harm to come to you Walt so good. As my grandmother (naturalized citizen born in Armenia) would tell me..."keep her up". She was very cute and small and when she would want to encourage me about something she'd tell me to "keep her up". Isn't it funny when I write those words I laugh? Huh! Who knew all these years later those words would be such a cheery reminder of her. Thank you for your reply and Happy Thursday Walt! :)