Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» Fer cryin' out loud what's taking TGITWH so long? When will he fire Mueller and Rosenstein and Sessions so the riots/insurrection can begin?
Why does TGITWH keep riling up "the troops" at every rally? Why does TGITWH keep attacking insulting demeaning derogating denigrating people if not to anger his base and get them to act on his behalf? TGITWH promulgates anger strife hatred 24/7. Do you think he is doing that for effect or for purpose? I know you think he is a perfect man who does no wrong and loves his neighbor and is pure of heart and honest and loyal and true and a heckuva guy m2c. You can't think/feel/believe what you don't. Neither can I. I see no HONORABLE WORTHWHILE USEFUL purpose in his rhetoric or his angry tweets or his constant whining crybaby actions. You see everything he is/touches/saysdes are pure gold. I don't. Thank you for your question. Did I answer it?