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Is public college education just for the rich?

This doesn't make sense. Public means they receive our taxes. So why pay taxes if they are going to charge so much for tuitions. Don't call it public education because it seems privatized.

Posted - August 16, 2016


  • 1615

    It's unfortunate but being college educated doesn't mean that much anymore most come out Liberal and worst than when they went in.You are better off learning a good trade at a technical school.

      August 16, 2016 8:49 AM MDT

  • 17641

    Public just means it gets some government funding.  That money doesn't keep the schools going though; alumni generally does that.    No one calls public universities public education.  Public education ends at 12th grade.  

    Pay taxes because our law requires it.  You have little say about how your money is used.  Haven't you noticed?  :)

      August 16, 2016 12:02 PM MDT

  • 5835

    The problem is that most people do not understand what home schooling is supposed to be. They are so fully indoctrinated in the slave school system that it takes a while to learn what traditional schooling was. Here are a book and an essay to help you understand:
    The Lost Tools of Learning
    The Underground History Of Public Education

    Another eye opening piece is "Dress For Success" by John Molloy. He has a lot of advice for students, and it has no resemblance to guidance you get from school counselors:
    1. Vocal skill will affect your earning power more than any other single detail.
    2. Acting skill will get you a job offer even if you are not qualified for the job.
    3. The most important thing you get from your college years is your address book.
    4. The main difference between a successful man and a very successful man is the latter knows hundreds more people, and he knows them quite well.

    Plan your schooling accordingly.

    Another item that I recently learned is that "academy" was a real place: it was a sacred grove outside Athens, membership by invitation only. One of the more famous members was Aristotle, who had such a high opinion of himself that his name is still a synonym for "arrogant jerk". The university was an Arabic invention, but the modern system is firmly based on the Greek Academy: religious exclusivity, traditions, robes, everything.

      August 16, 2016 10:13 PM MDT