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Democrats DO NOT BELIEVE THAT ALL REPUBLICANS ARE BUMS. There are some good ones. Republicans think all Dems are bums. WHY?

Posted - August 9, 2018


  • 523
    Not all Republicans think that. 
      August 9, 2018 3:32 AM MDT

  • 1502
    Not all republicans think or feel this way. More nonsense blankept statements. If you weren’t blinded by bias you would see the truth easier. There are people on both sides who are guilty of what you have brought up. There’s a few people on here who prove this.  This post was edited by Rizz at August 9, 2018 7:35 AM MDT
      August 9, 2018 6:36 AM MDT

  • 6098
    I would say that is not an accurate assessment.  And I have certainly never used that term of anyone regardless of how they voted or political affiliation. I know more people who consider themselves Democrats than who consider themselves Republicans and many of them are very fine people. As well as good friends.  And you need to understand that many if not most people do not think of themselves as one party or another but have their own analyses and points of view they bring to elections when they vote for whichever candidates conform closest to what they think is right. 

    Many Republicans do feel that a lot of Democrats don't think things through well or thoroughly enough and feel that when they do think they tend to think with their emotions rather than their brains.  We see them as more misguided and misled by somewhat utopian ideals that perhaps sound good and seem wonderful to them but that are very impractical and do not reflect the way life is in the real world outside their heads and good intentions.  So they parrot various ideas which make sense to them as far as intention is concerned but which they are unwilling to put into practice in their own lives.  So rather they put what should be their own responsibilities on the government and see the government as they was to fulfill their hopes and dreams.  In other words they are unwilling to take personal responsibility.  Similarly they want to look to the government to be their conscience which is just impossible because a government has no conscience - that is something only they as people can have. 

    Among many Democrats we note a jealousy of people who have been able to achieve much in their lives by dint of personal responsibility, effort , and sacrifice.  They act as though somehow that is not "fair" that some people do better than others.  When in fact that is always the way things have been and the way things will always be.  So rather than learn from success, both positively and negatively, they tend to want to tear down and demonize the success of others.   So instead of seeing themselves, or anyone,  in control of their lives they are quick to blame "society" for whatever and quick also to enshrine who they see as the  "victims" of this so-called "society" as almost sacred. So they reward victimhood and disparage personal responsibility for one's life. 

    Which at its extreme embraces collectivism and an artificial structuring and ordering of society so sees the individual only as a tool of the state.  Which is very dangerous thinking indeed because it seeks to negate our God-given freedom as individuals. 

      August 9, 2018 6:44 AM MDT