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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » If GOD does not punish us for being "bad" by inflicting natural environmental tragedies upon us why do some "religious" leaders say HE does?

If GOD does not punish us for being "bad" by inflicting natural environmental tragedies upon us why do some "religious" leaders say HE does?

Are they agents of the Devil? Baldfaced LIARS? GOD HATERS?  Why does anyone believe anything they say? Why listen to them or pay them money or tithe or anything or attend their sermons or admire them since all they spew forth is hate as if it is from GOD HIMSELF. How dare they impugn GOD?

Posted - August 9, 2018


  • 17081
    Deflecting blame from the REAL culprits - the rapacious people benefiting from the causes of climate change, who also just happen to be some of their biggest contributors.
      August 9, 2018 4:33 AM MDT

  • 113301
    So once again it's all about the money honey? EVEN the so-called "religious leaders" are greedy for and needy of it so they sell their conscience soul heart integrity morals for more of it? Say it ain't so Joe! Say it ain't so! SIGH. But I know that you speaketh truth. Thank you for your reply Sbf and Happy Thursday! :)
      August 9, 2018 5:40 AM MDT