It came out of nowhere. TGITWH brought it up again.
Now we all know the chronolgy and the lies that were told and the memo TGITWH wrote stating a lie as the purpose of the meeting. We know that.
They've also said multiple times that getting info on an opponent is something all pols do.
Of course it is ILLEGAL to meet with a foreign country. That is not what any other pol has
done but the folks involved with TGITWH. That is a CRIME!
So TGITWH, a "loving" dad, says his son met at the Tower to get information(dirt) on an opponent(Hillary Clinton). Everyone does it. "I knew nothing about the meeting".
Bus-throwing time? Putting his beloved son in front of him and insisting that he(TGITWH) was innocent of anything since he didn't know anything about it?
When was that meeting he knew nothing about since he wrote a memo saying that meeting he knew nothing about was about adoption (A LIE)
The noose tightens but around whose neck? Don junior's?