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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Under the current circumstances which no one could have anticipated I wonder if GOD regrets sacrificing Jesus for the likes of mankind?

Under the current circumstances which no one could have anticipated I wonder if GOD regrets sacrificing Jesus for the likes of mankind?

Was it worth it? As an outsider I think GOD made a grave error thinking that such a sacrifice would matter to humans. Oh sure some of them  pretend it did as they wear their religious trinkets and go to their churches and quote their bibles and assume such religious fervor and self-righteously judge those who disagree with them. While simultaneously  lying and hating and insulting and attacking vigorously. My sincere condolences to GOD. Wonder if HE'd like a do-over?

Posted - August 10, 2018


  • 7280
    I have found personally, that "outsiders" seldom understand the role and necessity of both faith and logic in understanding how God actually may work---as opposed to judging him according to what we think to be excellent human observations about how He should operate.

    It's much more fruitful to observe what He does and try to figure out how that might help us to understand Him better rather than to dismiss Him if He doesn't act according to our expectations or human values.

    That's my observation as an "insider"--- And while mine is nothing more than another approach, I have found i quite useful for myself..
      August 10, 2018 9:17 PM MDT

  • 113301
    You seem to have totally misderstood my use of the word "outsider" tom. Which surprises me since this is not our first time around the barn together. I am not privy to the brain of God. I can only observe and conjecture and assume and try to put myself in HIS place as a parent. Would I sacrifice my only son to save mankind when we have the kind of mankind we have today? Many of whom adore support defend worship TGITWH? I would have many regrets. I think GOD weeps and it is because so many humans focus on hate of "the other". Where does GOD say "thou shall hate "the other" as thou hates no other"? We are told to love our neighbor as ourselves. We are told per GOD's own words "what you do to the least of mine you do to me". And you can see how much attention so-called "religious" folks pay to that? You have "men of God" preaching hate from the pulpit. You have throngs of people going to rallies that are energized by hate. You have a proudly RACIST treasonous evil man as prez and those who surround him place his survival above all else. I find that despicable objectionable disgusting and very far from "Christian". As a child I was taught GOD IS LOVE. Those who ostensibly pay lip service to it do nothing to reflect that. Why that is I do not know. Anyway this horse has been beaten to death. I go on as I did before asking why why why why. Sadly I rarely get any comforting answers. Thank you for your reply and Happy Saturday to thy.
      August 11, 2018 2:45 AM MDT

  • 7280
    Well, then I still don't understand what an "outsider" is.

    Edit: outside of what? This post was edited by tom jackson at August 11, 2018 2:59 PM MDT
      August 11, 2018 2:58 PM MDT

  • 7810
    The problem I have with God is knowing what he was willing to let happen to his own son. This tells me that he's willing to let some insane s**t happen to the rest of us and has. Even babies for Christ sake.
      August 11, 2018 3:01 PM MDT