Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» Poor hard-working Sean Hannity took the night off and his substitute hosts were TV lawyers. One was Rudy G. GUESS what they talked about?
Sean Hannity's RADIO SHOW m2c. Did you not KNOW THAT? If not you are really NOT up to speed vis a vis Sean's life. Don't you ever listen to his radio show? I thought it was mandatory. Anyway now you know what I was talking about. Maybe my use of TV lawyer threw you?. I think it's 3 hours long and both TV lawyers were the hosts. You're welcome. Happy Sunday.
This post was edited by RosieG at August 12, 2018 3:22 AM MDT
Hahahahahahahahahahahaha! Funnee hunnee! Well on good old Sean's radio show which I guess is about 3 hours long these two sahdy mouthpieces used it as a forum to spread the usual lies. Those two guys are not the brightest lights in the lamp shop. I'd call them dimwits but that would be disrespectful to the genre so I'll just ay that I heard a couple of clips and it was the usual typical ordinary standard off-the-shelf partisan political crap. Nothing wrong with that. Different strokes and all! Thank you for your succinct reply. 3 little words. :)