Did you approach the ppe and engage it/him/her in conversation? Was the sign carrier being paid for doing it or was he/she/it doing it out of pure notional devotional emotional motional lotional oceanal potional kindness? Thank you for your reply bh and Happy Tuesday.
This post was edited by RosieG at August 14, 2018 4:36 AM MDT
I think a lot of us have at least a small bit of racism in us because we seem to stereotype people a great deal. It's when people act upon is negatively that it becomes destructive. Happy Saturday. :)
Nothing wrong with stereotyping folks L. It's shorthand. Calling someone clever or smart or kind or creative or funny isn't offensive. Neither are labels per se. Of course it depends entirely on the nature and purpose of the stereotyping. Memorable helpful useful friendly cordial rigid dour sour peevish. All stereotypes. Lots of stereotypical words out there and I guess it's hard to avoid them. You can give examples of how someone is peevish by describing the words used and the facial expressions and the attitude and the atmosphere. Or you can just say someone is peevish. Words mean different things to different people. I am often surprised and amazed and disappointed at how seldom people bother to look up definitions in a dictionary. They use words wantonly and promiscuosly and often ignorantly but they do so with such certitude and authority because that is what they are told is true and so they believe without questioning or investigating or researching or verifying. SIGH. Sorry for beating the horse to death. Thank you for your reply and Happy Sunday! :) ((hugs))
When I said stereotype, I meant as an entire group of people, not just one person, i.e., all Irishmen are drunks and brawlers, all Jews are smart and rich, all Italians belong to the Mafia. :)
Yes but "all Italians are great cooks" and "all Frenchmen are great lovers" and "Jewish women are the best mothers" are also stereotypes L. "Italians compose the most beautiful operas." Germans are the most brilliant scientists" "The Swiss make the best watches and chocolate". Group stereotypes on the plus side. That's all I was getting at sweetie. Thank you for your reply and Happy Monday.
Racism doesn't see. Therefore, there is NO color at all.
Racism is a THING that can be defined as a mental cancer to me.
It can fester. It can grow, it can be spread.
I mean from scratch. They don't come out that way as an infant. You cannot really make a racist. You can twist and contort a small innocent, yes. Just like you can cause cancer too. You can hand a racist a stick of tobacco and get him hooked which can cause lung cancer.
You can shrink the brain of a child by starving him of the right to think like a free man and indoctrinate him on a daily basis on how to hate anything that is not white.
But that is not a color. Black people can do it against whites. (yeah, okay, they DO have a good reason, but still....)
Black people can be racist against other blacks. Mexican against Chinese. IT can go on and on.
But really color is not the root. Trying to separate us and them is at the root.
It is a tribal, almost caveman way of thinking. It made sense when dinosaurs were attacking you and your tribe had the only piece of meat to exist on for miles.
We don't need to keep thinking US or THEM any more. We don't need no wall. No wall is going to fix anything.
It imprisons us and breeds hate and the downtrodden are really trod on.
And the rich get richer and the uneducated let them.