Uh... no. Climate change didn't make their equipment start fires - negligence did. One of those "climate change" fires happened just down the street from here last year. We had a strong north wind, their lines arced and poof... within a few hours numerous houses were gone. Seems PG&E didn't clear the trees/brush away from all the lines, just some of them. I agree with them that sometimes a branch or tree falling in a storm is beyond their power. However, tath branch/tree shouldn't have been so close as to be able to cause a fire. Around here, PG&E has tree crews running around all year long cutting back trees/branches from wires... but only to their "right of way" (meaning trees lower than their power wires are not their problem). So when their lines arc, these limbs ignite (not their fault?) In the past 2 days, several of their transformers exploded in this area causing fires. Grasses. trees and branches around the transformer weren't cleared (as per PG&E's safety rules). Who's fault is that? Climate change or negligence on PG&E's part?