Aren't there voice experrts who can authenticate whether or not that is Katrina's voice on the tape talking about TGITWH using the "N" word and how others in the White House were aware of it? Can tape experts tells if a tape is tampered with? Of course these folks are caught with their figurative pants down saying things that will infuriate and already furious unhinged human being. So of course they are going to deny it was them who said what was. Butt here's the things. Omarosa may have DOZENS of tapes she will release. She said when asked about having more tapes said "I have plenty". Be afraid. Everyone who ever spoke with her or near her may be immortalized on one or more of those tapes. Good luck folks. You knew what she was and you didn't take precautions. Neither did TGITWH. Reflects VERY BADLY on him. Said he let her work there because she always said such nice things about him. Of course donnie. We know how fragile your ego is and how very need you are for constant adoration flattery sucking up. SIGH. Never thought it was all FAKE NEWS didja? Hoisted on your own petard were ya?