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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » It's a familiar theme. Something we've all seen. The student gets better than the teacher. Omarosa is beating her mentor. Poetic justice?

It's a familiar theme. Something we've all seen. The student gets better than the teacher. Omarosa is beating her mentor. Poetic justice?

Not ALWAYS of course. But often enough that it is not surprising.  The son replaces the father s well. At least in literature per Will Shakespeare. Oedipus killed his father Laius(He didn't know who Laius was at the time) and married his mother (Jocasta) he didn't know she was his mother at the time. There was movie years ago with George C. Scott and his then-wife, a much younger actress. The theme was the same. When the son reaches a certain age he starts eyeing his mother and takes on his father and wins her.  In that case there was just the 3 of them. I don't know what that mom was thinking but she didn't resist. I wonder how often that same theme plays out in real life among real people? Father and son...teacher and student?

Posted - August 17, 2018
