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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Eventually the BIG CHEESE will stand alone and all the rats will devour him. There'll be no one left to protect him. Does he know?

Eventually the BIG CHEESE will stand alone and all the rats will devour him. There'll be no one left to protect him. Does he know?

Posted - August 17, 2018


  • 13071
    Since when did cheese become a person?
      August 17, 2018 12:03 PM MDT

  • 6988
    What if the cheese is Limburgher and stinks to high heaven?  No rat will eat that. Personally, I like American cheese . 
      August 17, 2018 5:19 PM MDT

  • 113301
    Have you ever smelled it bh? I haven't. If you have is the stench comparable to anything else like BO or poop? When you say "American" cheese do you mean that "cheese product" which has oils and other things in it and tastes like plastic? I sure hope not. I LOVE cheese. All kinds. REAL CHEESE. Not Velveeta or Americn a or the kind you get in a pressurized can like whipping cream. Thank you for your reply and Happy Saturday. If I had to choose my favorite cheese I couldn't. There are so many!  :) This post was edited by RosieG at August 18, 2018 4:54 AM MDT
      August 18, 2018 4:53 AM MDT

  • 6988
    My grandmother used to complain about the awful smell of that stuff because grandfather liked to put it on sandwiches.  I never had a chance to whiff it, and when I was in a giant Amish cheese factory, they had none. 
      August 18, 2018 7:27 AM MDT