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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » The safest place to live would be across the street from a Fire Station next door to a Police Station. Are you?

The safest place to live would be across the street from a Fire Station next door to a Police Station. Are you?

Posted - August 18, 2018


  • 14795
    I would disagree 100% Rosie....I watched a documentary yesterday on TV called the Worst Gang In New York......
    It turned  out they were referring to the New York Police Department. that had a dislike for any black or Hispanic  person...
    They have NewYorkers that belong to Cop Watch and film people being arrested for such minor things like dropping a cigarett butt..I watched ten so called police officers wrestle a huge harmless black guy to the ground where they strangled him...He died on the pavement and no policeman that killed him were ever prosecuted for their crime...
    Any one caught filming such things were forever being arrested as a way of discrediting them.....

    The penal system in America needs a constant influx of news offenders to keep up quoters and to get increases from public funding...

    its becoming  more and more like that in  England ...more and more ,local Goverment are working on new ways to rob the public ...To Tax a car to use on the road legally cost £ 235 .00.......that's roughly two parking tickets....or driving a foot or two in a bus's illegal to stop and drop a passenger off ...even if you are stationary in non moving traffic...:(  
      August 18, 2018 6:01 AM MDT

  • 113301
    Somewhere out there police are honest. I speak of such when I asked the question D. I speak of the moral the honorable the good the just the fair the kind the honest. I don't speak of the bums or crooks or criminals or liars or thieves or low lifes. They are NOT ALL CROOKS. Thank you for your reply and Happy Saturday to the.
      August 18, 2018 6:24 AM MDT

  • 14795
    It only takes one bad apple Rosie....Stand them all in line and then try picking out the bad ones....  :(
      August 18, 2018 6:35 AM MDT

  • 113301
    Appearances are deceiving D. We know that. Actions speak louder than words. We know that too. What we don't know and never will is what is in someone's heart and mind. We don't know someone's intentions. Would you like to? I'm gonna ask. Honestly the only cop I ever encountered who was a sourpuss was the one who stopped me on the 5 highway going north to San Francisco from L.A. I was doing 90 but he didn't know that.  I was leading a group of folks who were all trailing in my wake and he pulled all of us over. About 8 of us! I kid you not! He started from the back and wrote tickets.  By the time he got to me he wrote the ticket for doing 80mph in a zone that was posted for 65. I didn't argue with him. He lectured me of course and never once cracked a smile. My other encounters with police have always been fine. In fact many years ago I got a call about midnight from my aunt telling me my mom was in the hospital. She had broken her hip.  I had been out that night and mom had gone to a dance and slipped and fell. My aunt told me at what hospital she was and gave me vague directions how to get there. I was crying and I have no sense of direction and I think I was speeding hoping I was going in the right direction. It's not easy driving when you're bawling your eyes out. A cop pulled me over and I told him what was wrong and he told me to follow him and he would take me there. I was so grateful to him for that. No ticket. He personally escorted me to the door. I shall never forget that kindness. Then were were the cops who came to the apartment when it was broken into and some of my stuff was stolen and the ones at the police station I met when I had to do a report on having my identity stolen. All were very kind and very helpful so my personal experience with the police I would grade as A+. One sourpuss cop doesn't count. Maybe he had an argument with his wife that day or something. But could any of them have been crooked/on the take? I don't know. Thank you for your reply D! :) This post was edited by RosieG at August 19, 2018 4:08 AM MDT
      August 19, 2018 4:03 AM MDT

  • 14795
    I dont understand how a police force is allowed to keep the money they rake in from giving out speeding tickets and an assortment of other various so called crimes.....

    In England if a burglers rob your house and take thousands of pounds worth of your things ,sell them and then get caught...The legal system gets thousands and all fines go to the police abd courts....
    As the victim you get nothing in the form or reimbursement ,yet the courts,legal system and police get rich quick.....

    Should it not be that the victim gets the first and biggest bite of the pie ?  
      August 19, 2018 4:19 AM MDT

  • 113301
    I think fines going to the police department is exactly the same as taxes going to the government. Being a lawyer can be very lucrative if you are very good at it. You can still make a bundle if you are exeedingly lousy at it  if you have a wealthy client whom no really excellent lawyer will represent. That is the case with the donjohntrump in our country. All reputable lawyers will have nothing to do with him so he is left with the rejects like Rudy G, Michael Cohen, et al and so forth. The police are there ostensibily to protect we the people. That takes money. Gubment is ostensibly there to SERVE WE THE PEOPLE. What a crock! They serve themselves and their johns (they are all hoors and prostitutes you see) first last and always at the expense of those they are SUPPOSED to serve. It is the way things are. The rattlesnake stupid dumb crumb bums become Pols because they want to get rich and service the rich and screw the little guy. Why? Why d'ya think? If you carry insurance and are robbed don't the insurance companies PAY YOU? If the goods that were stolen show up later you have no claim on them since you were already paid for the loss. Isn't that the way it works in your country D? Thank you for your reply! :) This post was edited by RosieG at August 19, 2018 6:16 AM MDT
      August 19, 2018 6:14 AM MDT

  • 14795
    Insurance companies never lay out what you insure for....a friend of my dad has had his works van broken into at least twice....they cleared his van of tools each time £3000 pounds plus the first time they paid him around £ 600 pounds...if he makes another claim he will become uninsurable.....

    They cry like babies when they have to pay out....yet sell on theft information to claims assessors    so they can sue your own insurance company...  
    How pathetic are they all and also the so calked law for allowing it to continue...

    I don't think the Law and any/all that administer it has a grain of common sense or fairness..We are all led by parisites and halfwit greedy fools Rosie...

      August 19, 2018 7:29 AM MDT

  • 113301
    Can't you insure for FULL REPLACEMENT VALUE D? I think you can in our country. Insurance companies advertise (cars particularly) that you can be insured for full replacement value. Of course it costs more but what doesn't? If you are insured for $1000 to replace tools don't they give you the $1000? I don't see how they can get away with giving you less than the insurance policy stipulates. Of course insurance companies are noted for dragging legal action out as long as they hoping that the folks who sue will die before the case gets to court. Bas**rds all of them. I have even read that they have quotas beyond which t hey dare not go or they will be fired or they get bonuses based on how much they CHEATED people out of the money they should have received. As I said before on another thread are most people no dam* good and the few good ones getting rarer? I dunno. Thank you for your thoughtful reply D! :)
      August 19, 2018 7:39 AM MDT

  • 14795
    They advertise by saying they pay the full cost..but never ever pay out.....they ask for the box you brought them in...all recipts ...who keeps  empty cardboard boxes ??

    it's a  con to take people's money...noting more..
      August 19, 2018 8:10 AM MDT