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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » To all cheese lovers out there. D'ya have a fave? I have many faves and if I had to choose I couldn't! When you want cheese what kind is it?

To all cheese lovers out there. D'ya have a fave? I have many faves and if I had to choose I couldn't! When you want cheese what kind is it?

Posted - August 18, 2018


  • 14795
    Mostly any strong flavoured ones Rosie...any with blue veins ,strange textures and even ones that pong a 
      August 18, 2018 5:28 AM MDT

  • 113301
    That would be blue cheese or Roquefort or veined all of them. I love them all. I also love Brie and Camembert and extra-sharp cheddar and pepperjack and mozzarella (both fresh and regular) and Jack and Swiss and Havarti and  Gouda and, well, you name it. Now I have never smelled Limburger. In fact I have never even seen it anywhere. It is supposed to have a terrible stench about it and I don't know if I could get beyond that to taste it. There was a triple creme cheese called Explorator that used to be imported and carried in a local cheese shop I used to frequent when I lived near the beach in Playa del Rey (near Santa Monica). It was exquisite. There is also a cheese called "breakfast cheese" that is very creamy with a "pong".  Also love cream cheese and cottage cheese. There is a cream cheese KEFIR cheese that has the same health benefits as yogurt.  Quite delicious but I can only get it at our local SPROUTS. It isn't carried in any regular store.  When my son was in France years ago he said there were some cheeses that were very delicious  but too delicate to export. They don't travel well. I can only imagine how delicious they must be. Oh and of course Haloumi cheese about which we have had some great discussions. Thank you for your reply D! :)
      August 18, 2018 6:33 AM MDT

  • 14795
    England now exports thousands of tons of cheese to France and around the world....
    Haloumi is cheaper now over's about £ 2.29 pence for more than half a pound in weight.....
      August 18, 2018 6:54 AM MDT

  • 113301
    Just do me a favor honey. When you are enjoying Haloumi think of me! And let me know. That way I can enjoy it vicariously. Silly request but so what right? It pleases me to know that you like it a lot and have access to it. It was strange how Jim and I ever found out about. I think I told you that the local Costco (a big box you have them in your country too?) was demonstrating it . They had different stations around the store where the employees were preparing samples of various products they wanted to sell. We always hit them to see what they are giving samples of and try the ones that appeal to us and one day it was Haloumi. We were curious because the gal was frying it in a dry pan and it crisped up on the outside but stayed melty yummy on the inside. Well of course we bought one and for a few trips there(we'd go weekly) they carried it. Then suddenly one day it was gone and they never carried it again. We have found it subsequently in the  pricier stores and even indulged ourselves a couple of times but the cost is really very high. But to have it always available at a reasonable price? I wish!  Anyway I'm glad you do! Thank you for your reply D! :)
      August 19, 2018 4:13 AM MDT

  • 14795
    My whole family are members of Cost Co Rosie.....not everything is cheap in there though...
    We buy bulk olives ,all kind of cheeses and dried meats...Smoked ir more dyed Haddock and Cod...huge Anchovies containers  that are just a few £s...

    You have to shop aroung....Austrilian Anchor Butter is very cheap  as is bacon and most meats....
    The one thing I don't like about it is how long it takes to pay and get out if the stores.....
    Another problem is having your car or Van broken into while you are busy in the's really commen to get robbed while are busy in the store....
      August 19, 2018 4:33 AM MDT

  • 113301
    So you're COSTCO members too? That simply delights me D! We are going up and down the aisles looking at the same or similar things and tasting the same or similar samples. Across a  continent and across a sea! That just tickles me! I have a good friend (former Answerbag pal whom you know and also keep in touch with) who shops at her Sprouts store in Texas as I shop in mine in California and we compare notes about the specials! That tickles me too. The internet really is a wondrous connection that makes us all neighbors in a manner of speaking! Timing is everything but I agree it's rare that you can get in and out quickly. Especially around the holidays! So sorry to hear of the break-ins and robberies in cars though. Don't they have SECURITY cars going up and down the parking lot? They have them everywhere here. In the Walmart, Winco, Costco parking lots as well as other shopping centers.  Thank you for your thoughtful and informative reply NEIGHBOR! :) ((hugs)) This post was edited by RosieG at August 19, 2018 7:41 AM MDT
      August 19, 2018 5:12 AM MDT

  • 14795
    No cameras in stores that I'm aware of Rosie....not to say there is none at all....street cameras are for generating fines and not to catch thieves that steal you car or break into them....
    The English police force is a corporate generates Billions of pounds each years and three years ago they had five and a half billion held in reserve...not bad for a company that sells nothing I think...:(

      August 19, 2018 7:55 AM MDT