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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Priests/nuns tell us that they have a "calling". God called them to serve HIM. I doubt that. Do you?

Priests/nuns tell us that they have a "calling". God called them to serve HIM. I doubt that. Do you?

How many pedophile priests are there still, have there been, will there forever be? I seriously doubt that GOD called them to serve HIM. They are opportunists who seek a place to satisfy their deviant perverted lusts. They could be camp counselors or teachers or doctors or coaches or a friendly neighbor or a too-friendly family member. All those places have folks who will coverup, look the other way, protect the institution rather than protect the children. Children you see are expendable. Reputations of institutions must be protected at all costs no matter who gets sacrificed on what altar. Sad that the sacrificial lambs are always the innocent, the vulnerable, the trusting, the powerless. Isn't it? Any place that children gather and sexually deviant PERVERTS can be they will be.  The church has been known for protecting its own and saying nothing and just moving these sexually deviant PERVERTS from church to church to church to church spreading the evil about evenly. What should become of them? What should become of the ENABLERS/FACILITATORS/THOSE WHO LOOK THE OTHER WAY? What punishment fits THAT crime?

Posted - August 20, 2018


  • 6098
    The notion of being "called" is an old one, and many of us believe God has called us to serve Him or Her or Whatever which we do by believing in God, or through Jesus Christ as I do. The sense is that it comes from beyond us and that we have been "called" as individuals. 

    Now is perfectly possible to for us as humans to serve God. And as humans we are of course imperfect - we have our own funny quirks whether it be this or that, one thing or another. These Priests you so often mention are human and they do bad things which we don't approve of and which we don't believe "serve God" at all!  But who is to say if they have harmed people that they have not and do not serve God in other ways?  My point that even in serving God we can hurt people and even while serving God we are capable of doing other things that cause harm to others.  So if they are criminals we lock them up right?  But even criminals do some good in their lives most likely and who knows but sometimes even they might serve God?  Certainly bot through criminal acts but in other ways.  I don't believe we are all one thing or another.  We are all multi-faceted and there are many aspects to us. We all have our failings and sometimes yes these hurt people and if they are criminal and negatively affect society then we lock them up for that reason, not because they are incapable of doing good. 
      August 20, 2018 6:15 AM MDT

  • 14795
    The Nuns of Wrexford Southern Ireland disposed of 850 living new born babies born out of wedlock by throwing them in the local cesspit to let them drowned in human waste...
    They are the most evil halfwit brain washed  perverted criminals ever and should all be hung I think ....
    If you belong to any church or religion,you can rape and kill with gods blessing really.....The church is so rich and powerful ,no government will ever dare stop you ....if any thing, they will assist 
    you to keep think quiet and obviously to protect other high ranking perverted public figures in society.....
      August 20, 2018 6:45 AM MDT

  • 113301
    I take exception to your saying  " you can rape and kill with gods blessing" D. I know how you feel about religion and the clergy and belief in GOD etcetera and so forth but that is a line I would not cross. Now to be fair to you the OLD TESTAMENT GOD and the NEW TESTAMENT GOD are not the same GOD in my opinion. The former is jealous and gets angry and is demnding  and people fear Him and he supports killing and the latter is more kind, loving, caring. Guess which GOD is the one I carry with me?  Also these so-called religious folks dare to tell us what God thinks, what God wants, how God supports them and will smite heir enemy. They are all full of sh** and you can quote me on it. No human being knows anything about the  mind of God. No one should be so arrogant and impertinent as to speak for God. I don't let others speak for me. Why would God let anyone including the Pope speak for HIM? Other than that caveat there is much evil  that exists in churches and much damage/harm the "clergy" has inflicted and allowed to be inflicted to sate their own evil carnal desires or to cover up for the evil carnal desires of others. They are filth and scum and should not  be allowed anywhere in a church. Not even to take out the trash or clean the toilets or clean up the vomit. They are not good enough to do anything. They belong somewhere in a room where they will spend eternity being victimized as they allowed others to be victimized. A fitting  punishment I think under the circumstances. Don't you? Thank you for your reply D!  :)
      August 20, 2018 7:00 AM MDT

  • 14795
    I belive in not treading on other peoples toes and let all punishment fit the crime matter who you are....
      August 20, 2018 8:17 AM MDT

  • 113301
    What about treading on the toes of those who tread on yours D? Do you do the "Christianly" thing and turn the other cheek? I attack Pols and talk about their wrongdoing. They ask for it and they deserve it and I don't lie. I do not attack ordinary people. However I am not extended that same courtesy. People attack me here all the time for simply asking a question. No different than those who attacked me on Answerbag, Am I supposed to succor them and let them continue doing that? I refuse to fight back. I just STOP engaging with them and I do not read anything they post because I don't trust them. Simple MO I follow.I invest my time in what pleases me and I spend time with those who matter. Thank you for your reply. This post was edited by RosieG at August 20, 2018 1:43 PM MDT
      August 20, 2018 11:31 AM MDT

  • 14795
    Good for you Rosie....there is no point in getting in a slagging with anyone you can't get your hands

    No ,only a fool turns the other cheek Rosie.....:( 
      August 20, 2018 1:46 PM MDT

  • 10798
    God "calls" EVERYONE to serve Him.  That doesn't mean that everyone does (whether they claim to be or not).  These perverted people are NOT serving God, they're serving their flesh.  Unfortunately, these pretenders make those who ARE truly serving God look bad as well, since people tend to lump everyone who claims to be religious together.
    You're correct, these perverts are drawn to anyplace children are.  To get as close to the children as they can without being noticed, they masquerade as someone a child should be able to look up to - bus driver, policeman, doctor, scout leader, parent,   Then they pounce.
    ANYONE or ANY organization who protects, refuses to expose or simply ignores perverts like this (religious, political or private) is just as guilty as the pervert themself - if not more so!  As such, they deserve the same punishment.  (If we held people accountable like this there's be a lot less of this stuff going on).

      August 20, 2018 10:20 AM MDT

  • 113301
    God never called me Shuhak. My mom used to take me to church. I even taught Sunday School when I was 12 in the local Presbyterian Church. When I matured I left the church but took God with me. I'm 80 and I have never heard HIS call. I didn't need to. Thank you for your thoughtful reply. I think the enablers/facilitators are more evil than the sick perverted perps. They all are worthless. Thank you for your reply1:)
      August 20, 2018 11:37 AM MDT