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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Are there certain conditions/situations that cause you to lose control so you avoid them? Will the donjohn tweets be his undoing?.

Are there certain conditions/situations that cause you to lose control so you avoid them? Will the donjohn tweets be his undoing?.

Some folks can't drink alcohol because it makes 'em go crazynuts. Tweeting has turned a very eccentric arrogant conceited guy into an out-of-control loose cannon. He is addicted. Is there any antidote to tweetaddiction?

Posted - August 21, 2018


  • 6098
    Who knows maybe but he loves them. Most of what he does I would guess he loves doing and that is why he does so many things.  He's having a good time with being president.  Might as well as it is a pretty thankless job!
      August 21, 2018 7:11 AM MDT