Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» Are you big on symbols? Flag, anthem, patriotism. Words. How often do you think about your country apart from what POLS tell you?
Are you big on symbols? Flag, anthem, patriotism. Words. How often do you think about your country apart from what POLS tell you?
What do you think of your country? What does it mean to you? Are you a good citizen? How do you manifest your loyalty and pride in your country? Or is your loyalty and pride confined to one man?
I have become quite patriotic in recent years. Since I have realized just how many Americans just don't appreciate their country's greatest institutions. And how many people only think about how many of them they can change or do away with. Or just how many people are willing to give up all their freedoms just for a check from the government. We put out our flags on holidays and sometimes just when we feel like it. But those and patriotic songs are only symbols and not the real thing. The essence of this country for us is our freedom of self-determination and freedom to live the kind of life we want and are willing to sacrifice for and work for. Our freedom to be able to live Christian lives by helping others less fortunate than we have been. Which when I was younger I guess I did not think about much and pretty much took for granted. But when we grew up we were taught in school about the greatness of our country's best institutions and why we should value them and treasure them. Today schools only teach how bad a country this is and how we are all "racists" and "sexists" and "capitalist pigs" and the genocide and all the unfortunate parts of this country. So kids have no idea what their country is really about and what it requires of them.