Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» The BEST most honorable PATRIOTIC thing donjohn could possibly do would be to resign immediately. Odds of that are nil. What's second-best?
Donny patriotic? Ha! The dude only loves himself, attention and money (in that order). He doesn't give a squat about this country! He's so deluded into thinking what he's done isn't a crime that he'll never resign. (Why resign when you're innocent?) Yet, with his own mouth he confesses that he's guilty, but he's not smart enough to see that (lies won't hold up forever). One day he claims he never did something, then the next he admits to doing it ... but with extenuating circumstances - "it wasn't illegal then. No one saw me. I didn't mean it. It's someone else's fault. The moons of saturn got in my eyes." To him, none of this is real. It's just another TV show. Therefore he's going to hold on until they drag him out kicking and screaming in an orange jumpsuit.
Unfortunately, if (when) he goes, we'll get Pence. A milquetoast weakling.
Between a rock and a hard place. Scylla and Charybdis. Horns of a dilemma. But do you really think a milquetoast like Pence will have any kind of hold on the donjohn "base"? I dunno. Once trump goes how long will trumpicanism last? Trumpicanism...a combination of FASCISM RACISM DESPOTISM. He is getting wackadoodlier every day. His frantic tweets at 1am or 3 am or 5 am are all generated by insanity. They are repetitive gibberish and yet his base treats every word as a priceless treasure. Fool's gold? I dunno. It beats me how and why anyone would buy anything that snake oil salesman has to sell. But there is no accounting for taste. Thank you for your thoughtful reply Shuhak and Happy Friday! :)
when trump goes his base will cry foul. They'll protest and be civilly disobedient. The trouble with Pence is that the cant handle foreign situations. While they laugh at trump, they'll walk all over Pence (more so than trump).
D'ya think the donjohn base will find Pence a suitable replacement and cleave unto him no matter what? I dunno. What I think though is that after donjohn anything will be better. He is by far the very worsts of the very worst of the very worst. I could be wrong of course. Thank you for your reply L and Happy Friday! :)
I beg to differ I figure the most honorable and patriotic thing Donald Trump could do is give the names of everyone he knows that be trade their country and any information he might have that could be a threat to America;s cyber security. Then resign and wave his right to a trial then reach in his pocket for his phone so he can call a cab to take him to Fort Leavenworth. And when he gets there he should take a self at the gate and post it on twitter along with a tweet that says - I just made America great again . Cheers!
Once again m'dear I bow to your superior solution. That WOULD BE PERFECT! But we know that perfection allegedly does not exist among humans so wouldja settle for his resignation and disappearance? Thank you for your reply Nanoose! :)