Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» The don is either jealous of how well-liked Obama was/is and he isn't OR racist don cannot stand that a BLACK MAN was prez. Which izzit?
I am certain he is jealous of Obama's popularity both internationally and at home. Despite what the Trumpeteers believe and despite what the Trumpet brags about, most if not all of the positives since Trump was elected were because of programmes and hard work put in by Obama... So he ought to be jealous of Obama's success.. However, this assumes he has the intelligence to work these things out.. He speaks imbecilic mantras about how great he is.... and I am not so sure he doesn't actually believe them..
People say he is racist.. and certainly he went on and on claiming Obama was not born in the US. That seems racist to me but I struggle to understand racism.. I can't imagine people feel that way... so I struggle to believe people are racist... They are.. but it's beyond me how they can be so and how they justify it
Yes. Well the don referred to a black woman (Omarosa) as a DOG. He has called California Congresswoman Maxine Waters "low IQ" more than once. He calls the BLACK NFL players SOB's if they take a knee. His base includes well-known RACISTS like David Duke, once head honcho of the KKK. The don said of the American Nazis who marched for white rights at CharlottesvillO(where a white woman was killed) "good people". He said there were "good people" on both sides and both sides were at fault. He and his dad were sued decades ago for refusing to rent or sell to blacks. He still rails against 5 black men who were mistakenly accused of raping a white woman and VINDICATED and found INNOCENT and says they were guilty. He is anti-immigrant unless they are hot sexy babes from Sweden. He referred to "SH**hole Countries" and asked why so many immigrants flee those and why more folks from Norway (A mostly WHITE country) don't come here? He has token Black Ben Carson as a Secretary of Housing and Urban Development I believe. Ben Carson is very quiet very docile very supportive and very much into getting out of that job all he can get for himself and his family. Just like every other donjohn appointee. So far the don has REFUSED to speak to any black group. He cruelly dismissed the misery going on in Puerto Rico but you can bet your a** if anything bad were happening in Palm Beach he'd be right on it. I don't know how WHITE Palm Beach is. Never been there. I'm sure there are lots of other examples of his racism. SIGH. Thank you for your reply Addb and Happy Friday to thee!
This post was edited by RosieG at August 24, 2018 11:15 AM MDT
Someone who is insecure and jealous of anyone who steals their thunder even for a nanosecond.
He cannot stand being less than the most powerful.
He cannot stand anyone who he KNOWS to be better than he is at anything.
He is a liar, an empty shell of a man and he has gotten away with everything since birth and now has a sea of idiots following his lead. The sea is parting and the idiots are floundering and scattered like the 4 winds of the Apocalypse.
So, to answer your question, he is jealous of everything human. He doesn't have a passing acquaintance with that idea.
He is a demon. He eats joy, freedom, love, sharing ideas, community.
He thrives on fear, division, paranoia, theft, lies.
Are you aware of the latest SHOCKING DEVELOPMENT Sharon? David Pecker, CEO of the company that owns that filthy rag The National Enquirer, FLIPPED and has immunity. Which means he will spill his guts about everything he knows about the don. They've been "friends" for 20 years. Pecker has purchased dirt(truth) on don and kept it out of sight. He has lotsa dirt(truth) to sell and tell and now it will be flowing from him with no holding back. How much does HE know about all the sex in which the don was involved and dirty tricks and payoffs to hot babes and other CRIMINAL activities? He holds the key to many things. That must really infuriate the don. Wonder how he will try to undermine/sabotage/destroy Pecker? It should be tons of fun to watch. The wackadoodlier don gets the more entertaining he is and the closer he gets to imploding/exploding. I wonder if one can implode/explode simultaneously? I'm gonna ask. Who will be next to get on the IMMUNITY bandwagon? Thank you for your reply Sharon and the graphics. This is where the story gets REALLY JUICY! :)