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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » D'ya think it balances out? Us oldsters remember things today's youngsters never encountered. But they'll learn/know things we won't. Fair?

D'ya think it balances out? Us oldsters remember things today's youngsters never encountered. But they'll learn/know things we won't. Fair?

Which group has the advantage? Was "the way we were" better than the way we are today? Were you born out of your time or at exactly the right time?

Posted - August 24, 2018


  • 6098
    We are born when we are born and that is out time.  I am still middle-aged but already so much of what I know and embrace is meaningless to young people.  Just as things that seem to be important to them have no meaning for me. I read so many so many Qs and As and comments on here and they make no sense to me at all.  I am mostly irrelevant to my stepdaughters who are 32 and 28. Old-fashioned, out of it.  They have their own lives. 
      August 24, 2018 5:43 AM MDT