We the people HAVE A RIGHT TO HAVE A CONGRESS THAT WILL DO THE JOB FOR WHICH IT IS BEING PAID. What job is that little Lindsay since you clearly and obviously don't have a clue? SERVING THE INTERESTS OF THE PEOPLE, THE COUNTRY AND UPHOLDING THE CONSTITUTION! All you political flunky hacks do is protect the wackadoodle prez no matter how wackadoodle he gets and he is getting wackadoodlier daily. When are y'all gonna wake up and smell the roses? You are not doing your job. You are shameful and lazy and frightened and an embarrassment. Having a House of Representatives and a Senate that DO NOTHING is not what we the people signed up for nor is it what we deserve. Pathetic pitiful spineless souless heartless dolts.. That's what we have. SIGH. Boy did we get scammed bigly! :(