Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » JOHN McCAIN has chosen to stop getting medical treatment for his brain cancer. Per his family. How long before the don tweets viciously?

JOHN McCAIN has chosen to stop getting medical treatment for his brain cancer. Per his family. How long before the don tweets viciously?

Condolences to Senator McCain's family for what they will face. Despite the cold cruel ignoble rants of donjohn about Senator McCain (remember donjohn DODGED the draft 5 times due to bone spurs) McCain IS A HERO. Let the donjohn do his worst. Spew his venom. Show us once again what he is. The truth will be there forever. The don is a temporary aberration.

Posted - August 24, 2018


  • 19937
    I am hoping that cooler heads in the Trump Traveling Circus will prevail and stop him from tweeting nasty things about McCain at this point.  Whether or not you agreed with McCain's political stance, I believe that his had the welfare of his constituents and the country at heart and I believe he put country above party.  Brain cancer is a particularly horrendous way to die, but I'm sure he will be kept as comfortable and pain free as possible.  I wouldn't even wish that on Trump.  
      August 24, 2018 6:40 PM MDT

  • 113301
    Senator Ted Kennedy and Joe Biden's son Beau both died of the same brain cancer. Odd I think but maybe not. The people around the don have ZERO influence on his rants and attacks and emotional outbursts. At 3am who else is there to stop him? He is so full of hate and nasty it will come out sooner or later. I am shocked that so far he hasn't said a word. When McCain dies I hope he just stays silent. Any comforting words from him would be an insult and a lie. He is such a phony. SIGH. Thank you for your thoughtful answer L.
      August 25, 2018 4:36 AM MDT

  • 19937
    Well, so far so good - let's hope is stays that way, but I'm sure at some point, Trump will get a jab in.  I'm sure McCain's daughter will ream him a new one if he goes off the rails.
      August 25, 2018 6:58 AM MDT

  • 113301
    Can you account for the very sad and pathetic decline of Lindsay Graham? What in the heck happened to the guy who usta be best buds with McCain? Where is he and has he said anything at all about his "friend" or is he too busy kissing the donjohn a** to notice? What a sad end to someone who had potential once upon a time. "The decline and fall of Lindsay Graham". Who is gonna write it I wonder?  Thank you for your reply L! :) This post was edited by RosieG at August 26, 2018 3:29 PM MDT
      August 25, 2018 9:06 AM MDT

  • 19937
    I caught a very brief comment that Graham made after learning McCain stopped treatment.  He did have something very nice to say about their friendship and i believe that friendship goes back a long way.  At the time I posted my comment, McCain was still alive, but yesterday evening, my sister mentioned that McCain passed away.  I thought that was pretty quick, but he was in hospice care and I wouldn't be at all surprised if in giving him pain medication, they helped the end along.  
      August 26, 2018 3:31 PM MDT

  • 113301
    Well whatever Graham was what he is now is just another typical average mediocre donjohn sycophantic toady. Thank you for your reply L and Happy Monday! :)
      August 27, 2018 4:08 AM MDT

  • 19937
    Too true, Rosie, too true.  Happy Monday. :)
      August 27, 2018 8:39 AM MDT